Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Daughter's Wedding

Ecclesiastes 3:1-15, “…A time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance…”

I had the great pleasure of presiding of my youngest daughter's wedding this Friday June 27th, 2014. These of the word of a father, from the Father.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate with Katherine Anne Yuna and Michael Walter Van Muers their commitment to one another in the ceremony of marriage.

Marriage… have you ever stopped to reflect on how much the marriage ceremony is like marriage itself. Who doesn’t want to believe in the fantasy of riding off with their Prince Charming and living happily ever after? We go to great expense and sacrifice to create this ceremony, to create the send off for our damsel and her prince. Well, I am here to tell you that a marriage every bit as beautiful as this ceremony is possible.

Like this ceremony marriage takes work. It takes compromises. It is stressful at time, and exciting at others. Like this ceremony marriage is full of beautiful moments, but marriage is not only fresh flowers and pristine garments. No... marriage has flowers that wilt too. It has garments that mean so much today but that often forgotten… mothballed in an attic.

We have all heard the vows couples say to one another. They commit to love for better of for worse. Well I am here to tell you that there is no worse. Only when you fall prey to the illusion of worse will you marriage suffer. Romans 8:28 says, “we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” If you both will commit to not only loving each other, but God first, then even the worst of times will be good. That is His promise not mine.

Couples marry for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in health and sickness, but I’m here to tell you that if you will let it… worse, poorer, and sickness are all good for those who love God. Not everything about this ceremony has gone as planned, and yet the totality of it is beautiful. Every desire has not been fulfilled, and yet this day will be remembered in many minds for years to come. You two are probably so nervous you won’t remember anything I have said, but I do want to offer this one piece of wisdom.

If you want this marriage to end in a fairytale… happily ever after, then always look for, strive to have peace in your home. I am not saying quite… I am saying peace. Peace will follow love, and love will always consider the other’s needs above their own.

 Katherine, there will be times when Michael is dead set in his way, and that way is going to be completely contrary to your logic or experience. Let him have his way in the name of love and peace, AND trust God the He will cause EVERYTHING to work together for good.

Michael, there are going to be times when Katherine is stubborn as a mule… I know, I raised her… let her have her way. Nothing in life teaches us like experiencing it for ourselves, and besides… God will cause EVERYTHING to work together for good.

To both of you, you both will be wrong the majority of the time. Katherine you will be wrong. Michael you will be wrong so you both need to be willing to find the third option. That third option is God’s way. It is God’s plan. When you find Katherine going right, and Michael going left, look up because that is the direction you need to be going.

For the friends and family all represented here today I am here to admonish us all, that with this union, we give up our allegiances to Katherine or Michael. Instead we must all pledge to support the marriage, and never the individual.  Jesus Himself said in Matthew 19:6, “So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together let no man separate.” If you love either of these two, then you will also support the marriage. If we will focus our love on the marriage, and not the individuals then we will contribute to their happily ever after. 

Michael and Katherine you guys are young and though you think you know what love is, trust me you are just beginning to learn. Love, in its purest form is all we need. God tells us that He is love. Jesus told us that we need to do nothing more than love God, and love each other. Love encompasses forgiveness, honor, faithfulness, patience, and all that is good. So with that in mind..."