Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Proverbs 16:9, “The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.”

Proverbs 20:24, “Man's steps are ordained by the LORD, How then can man understand his way?”

I never cease to be amazed at how orders are steps and interactions in this perfect murmuration creating such beautiful blessing for His children.

On Thanksgiving Day 2016 I need to run to the convenient store, but the closer ones were all closed. I ended up a few miles down the road when I found a store open. Walking in, I encountered a fellow who had just finished cleaning the bathrooms. Seeing him prompted me to ask if he cleans bathrooms for a living. He said, “I will do anything.” Something about that statement and the man stirred the Holy Spirit within me. I knew at that moment that the extra miles were because God has something instore, but having loved God for so long, I knew not to predict what.

His name is Floyd, and I invited him to come to my store and clean the bathrooms there as well. I didn’t ask for his number, just told him where my store is and asked him to show up, and the very next day he did. I asked of course about is background. He was a layoff victim from the oil field doing small engine repair until his truck and tools were stolen. Of course, there was no insurance, and he explained how he would do whatever he could in walking distance of his home to make money. He would pick up cans, began cleaning the bathroom of a gas station near his home until he saved up $500 to buy a truck that barely runs, and looks worse. He told me a horrific story of how he ended up with sole custody of his adolescent son. But in it all he remained optimistic. He expressed his faith in God, and how God was taking care of him. His work ethic, faithfulness, and honesty are not found in many individuals of any economic level. Over the coming weeks, what started out as cleaning bathrooms once a day turned into nearly a full-time job.

It was no time when Floyd had completed all the projects I had for him and had worked himself out of a job when one of my employees asked if he could refer Floyd to a local municipality for a job. Gladly I agreed. Far be it for me to ever stand in the way of a blessing from God.

Now can you guess what happened? Floyd got the job, plus a significant raise from what I was able to pay him. He also drives a City vehicle, has health insurance at no cost to him, and continues to grow where he has been planted.

None of this is happenstance. Had I not been sensitive to the Holy Spirit I would have never talked to Floyd. Had my employee not been sensitive to the Holy Spirit he would have never referred Floyd. Had Floyd not loved God, well then who can even guess the outcome. What is clear, is that God will direct our steps. What is clear is that God is working for our good.

If reading this today you are Floyd, then know that God’s help is already in motion. In your struggle continue to grow into Christ, walk in truth and integrity, and your blessing will appear. If you are not in distress, be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. No one ever knows the true blessing that is released with a conversation or act of kindness.