Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Silence is Golden

Psalms 62:5, “My soul, wait in silence for God only, for my hope is from Him.”

Does your soul ever wait in silence? Or is there a constant frantic prayer crying out to God to speak, to move, to bless, or to change your circumstances? Are you comfortable sitting in a group that is silent, or do you need conversation because dead air is too awkward? Are you prayers like those of Mother Teresa’s where she said nothing, and where God said nothing in return? Can you find and enjoy the presence of God in the absence of anything, no worship, no scripture, no lesson… just find and be?

I have been brought to a place where my soul waits in silence. It is a wonderful place, full of the presence of God. Life, even time itself is suspended waiting on the hope that is from Him. God’s silence is golden, it is precious, it is beautiful, and it is amazing. For my soul to be in His presence without conviction, or instruction, or a plan, or a question is so very new to me. It is a time of waiting and watching that the Lord is good.

This silence is so very different from when He has called me to “rest.” Where He “made me lie down…” This silence is to stand at the banks of the Jordan side by side with God watching as you just know that He is about to do something only He can do. Oh the nervous anticipation. To my soul I say, “wait in silence for God only.”

My flesh wants to run, my mind wants to plan, but my soul says, “ssshhhhhh.”

Father Your silence is Golden. Your presence is life. Your presence is love. Your presence is all I need. You have filled me to silence.

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