Monday, October 7, 2013

Dead Battery

Deuteronomy 18:39, “You shall plant and cultivate vineyards, but you will neither drink of the wine nor gather the grapes, for the worm will devour them.”

To you ever feel like everything you do turns to crap? Or how about just when you are about to get ahead some problem arises that eats up the little bit of savings you managed to accumulate? Do you ever feel like your hard work is eaten by worms like the scripture above suggests?

Sometimes… even too often, I default into that mindset. After all, for the past eleven years I have accumulated no savings that has lasted. Not a big issue unless you consider my daughter is getting married in less than a year, and I would like to participate financially in her wedding. Or even beyond that there are plenty of fun things I would like to have or do. On my “Hopes and Dreams” list I have 10 places I would like to take my wife to along with some needed items and other materialistic things like a gaited horse.

But as I look at what is not I get a text from my wife that a $260 check arrived for me. It comes once a quarter, and is a dividend from an old investment. (thanks Mom) I quickly replied, “I’m going to save that for my daughter’s wedding.” Wow, God is awesome I thought.

The next morning I go to take my son to school and my truck won’t start. It has a dead battery. And being Diesel it has two dead batteries, not just one. Would anyone like to guess how much those batteries costs? If you said $260.00 you are dead on.

“Why must the worm always eat the blessing?” I cried out to God. “When am I going to get ahead?”

To which the Holy Spirit whispers, “I gave you the money for the batteries ahead of time instead of after, are you going to complain about that?”

There were no worms eating the blessing. There really was only God’s provision again, supplying a need. When will my stinking thinking change?

Maybe tomorrow… (to be continued)

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