Friday, September 28, 2012

God Speaks... to me

Matthew 27:46, “About the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Eli, Eli, Lama, Sabachthani?’ that is, ‘My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?’”

At my men’s meeting, Iwo Jima, this week I was sharing how God has a focused dealing with me trying to teach me financial responsibility. I talked about how the Holy Spirit will ask me a hypothetical questions, and how God’s response to my answer is so often, ‘wrong answer.’ And so T (identity hidden to spare the innocent) asked me, “How do you hear God speaking to you?”

To which I replied, “It is not a voice speaking so much as it is a visualization of God bowing His head in disappointment… that I interpret as ‘wrong answer.’”

And to that T added further comment. He began with, “I say this in love…” and the rest I heard as ‘I find that people often infer their own voices/feelings/images into what they think is God speaking. But I don’t think God would do that, so consider whether you are really hearing God.’

This did give me pause, and I did give it considerable thought. And as I prayed, “God, did I miss you?” The Holy Spirit quoted today’s scripture. “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?” Followed by the question, “Why did My Son feel forsaken?”

That is the easiest question of all as Christian doctrine teaches that is the moment our sins were put on Christ the Father turned His head from Christ as the scripture says, “God cannot look upon sin.” And so too I believe what I hear God speak to me is in fact Him, in spite of others' experiences. Christ experienced the Father turn His head, and so did I. So I continue down this path of learning godly financial responsibility knowing that God speaks to me.

And knowing that God is speaking to you.

If you do not hear the voice of God daily I encourage to pick up my book available top right of this page. It is designed front to back to help all Christians hear God Speak. 

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