Friday, January 25, 2013

Overcoming Self In Christ

Romans 6:5, “For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.”

I have this murmuration occurring around me at the moment. On the one hand Pastor Chris Saye of Ecclesia Church posted on Facebook, “’(You) shall know them by their fruits’ (Matt 7:20) isn’t permission to slip to judge sincerity of others faith – it’s a warning about false prophets. Context Matters.” On the other hand Jim Spivey reposts the pendulum photo of this post.

What do these have to do with one another you might ask?

They have to do with one another because I think where we are in the pendulum swing of our flesh reflects into our spiritual beliefs or excuses.  

Let me expound. Why would we judge when Jesus clearly said do not judge?

The ego centered self causes us to justify ourselves with this scripture. We justify our position by quoting this scripture as proof we are “fruit inspectors,” when reality is we are only to use it as a tool in who influences us, versus going around condemning anyone.

Likewise the wounded self would use the scripture to justify the pain in their life. They might take on the judgment of themselves because there is no perceived fruit in their life, or because they continue to struggle in their sins.

Spiritual reality is the truth lies in the arms of Christ. But the only way to get to truth is to crucify both the wounded self, and the ego centered self.

Do you want to know what the cross Christ spoke of is about… this is it. This is the death of self. It is a spiritual exercise not a physical one. For that matter being a spiritual exercise it is not even a mental one, but one of the soul and character.

Think about other areas of our spiritual relationship to Christ that are similarly affected.

Do you see the devil around every turn trying to destroy you? This is the wounded self.

Do you see yourself as this powerful overcomer of the devil? That you wealth, or fame, or power is because you have in some way earned it? This is your ego self.

If you are in Christ you see that Satan is already defeated. You see that he is not omnipotent and not on a personal vendetta against you though he is real and at work starting many many chain reactions around the world.

Here is another classic scripture. In Matthew 8:24-26 Jesus is asleep when the boat encounters a storm. The disciples wake up Jesus and He first rebukes them, then calms the storm. How would you respond? Why do you think Christ rebuked them? Why do you think Christ calmed the storm?

If you think the devil was out to kill them then you are interpreting out of ego. If you would be scared (and who wouldn’t) in the situation you are operating out of wounded self. If you think Christ rebuked them because they themselves couldn’t calm the storm then you are in ego. If you think their “little faith” was their own inadequacies then you are wounded. If you think Christ calmed the storm to prove Himself, this is ego. If you think His calming the storm highlights the disciples and your inability then you are in wounded self.

I believe that those who are in Christ see it something like this. First they would not even know the storm was there because they would be asleep like Jesus (united in His death), trusting their Father to seem the to the very end of their mission. I think the rebuke of little faith was for not sleeping, and the calming of the storm was to quiet their little faith. Oh there would be more storms on the horizon for them to sleep through, but from this one they got relief.

Jesus was showing us all just how so absolutely other He is from ourselves. How we have to crucify the swings of self from ego and wounded self and throw ourselves into the arms of Christ. 

I will leave you with a couple more examples.

If you think God needs you or wants you to save the world. - ego

If you think God can't use you at all. - wounded self

If you just want to be with Jesus doing whatever He wants. - In Christ. 

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