Monday, January 13, 2014

The Pursuit of Happiness

Hebrews 12:2, “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of faith, who for the JOY set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame…”

My mom sent me a text the other day. I assume because I wasn't feeling well at her birthday celebration, and was a bit on the grouchy side. But the text said, “What is it that would make you happy? … like life?” I didn’t respond there because it is clear to me that God would have me respond here.

First and foremost happiness is nothing more than an emotional response to pleasant circumstance, or if you will happenstance. In fact I would argue that there is nothing spiritual at all about “happiness.” We are happy when we get our way. We are happy when we indulge our glutton. We are happy when we accomplish goals, or get new things. But happiness is fleeting, and it by in large is false. So I personally do not pursue “happiness.”

This sounds a little bit crazy, and perhaps pessimistic doesn’t it? But have you read my writings to this point? What would make me “happy” is to have a salary that I could depend on and not have to live check to check making commissions that go up and down. But my “happiness” would cause me to miss the JOY of God’s blessings and miraculous provision. Happiness would have had me miss the joy of a free horse. (Read that one.) Happiness would have never let me get close to Robert Franklin because it would have made me happy to "fix" his life rather than be in it.

It would make me “happy” to see my adult children with careers, and direction, but that would deny me the JOY of watching God move in their life, and to witness their interaction with Him.

It would make me happy to have a huge following on this blog with lots of comments and accolades, but then I would miss the joy of God sending these words around the world.

Psalms 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Based on this scripture I wrote the desires of my heart down. Happiness would be that they would all happen NOW. But it is great JOY that I see God provide them in His timing, and in His measure.

Do not confuse a stern face as being a heart without joy. For I truly am a blessed man, who sometimes wearies from the struggle with myself. I have a wonderful life! I have a wonderful wife, and children who love me. I am not here to pursue happiness. I am not here to “like” life. I am here to be “conformed to the image of Christ.” (Rom 8:29) Sometime that means being in despair. Sometimes that means life will bring you to a place where you despise it all, but deep underneath there is a JOY that keeps us moving forward. I do not care if I “like” life. I am here to “live” life. We are not here to be “happy.” But if we will love God, then there is an undercurrent of joy that keeps us going when life is hard or unpleasant. Joy is the bedrock of my soul. Happiness is nothing more than a roller coaster of my flesh.

And my SOUL is FULL of JOY!

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