Friday, December 20, 2013

Visibly Invisible

John 4:24, “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

Do you realize that according to Einstein’s theory of relativity, nothing you see, no physical matter exists without energy exceeding the speed of light. Of course God says the He is light, and nothing exists outside of Him, but from an articulable scientific perspective everything is really nothing more than the sum total of the energy it contains. We have the planets, and universe, and protons, and neutrons, and it all because God said let there be light. When light was born energy accelerated to the speed of light creating photons which are both energy and matter. As this energy accelerated faster, the stars and planets, and elements formed etc. So in my theory, if the universe stops expanding faster than the speed of light, then all things matter cease to exists, and all that remains is energy. God is there, at that point where matter does not exists. He is in the creation and outside of it simultaneously. He is what holds everything together.

So what’s the point?

The point is that God is visibly invisible. In Him we live and move and exist (Acts 17:28) but all this “stuff” that is around us is quite irrelevant to seeing the invisible God by and large. I think of the term murmuration as it describes the synchronistic movement of hundreds of starlings as if some master painter were sweeping his invisible brush across the sky. It is that indescribable energy, power, coordination where we see where the invisible God is. Want to see God? Then you have to look for the shadow He has cast, and hopefully like the prophet see His back as He leaves where He has been, all the while trusting He is everywhere and doing everything.

This is what I find fascinating, thinking and then praying on things of this nature for hours. How can I know God more? How can I overcome more often? What about me that I don’t see controls those things about me that I do see? What is my consciousness? Is there a difference in my physical brain originated consciousness, and the consciousness of my soul? When all of me that consist of carbon molecules and water is gone, what is the energy that goes on? What is the consciousness that continues? Where in the body does the soul and body interface, as the soul cannot be the brain because the brain perishes?

We as humanity do a whole lot of worrying about what we see, and how others see us. We worry about not doing on the outside when all along we are rotting on the inside. The invisible is what really matters. The invisible is where eternity is.

The kingdom of God is here right now… invisible and inside those who know Christ. How to we become more aware of that now?

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