Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Ecclesiastes 2: 10 & 11, “I have seen the task which God has given the sons of men with which to occupy themselves. He has made everything appropriate in its time…”

Funny how when you buy a puppy the last thing on your mind is cleaning up poop and pee. But that is the reality of having any new baby in the house, be it animal or human. So too is life.

Want to build a business… there’s going to be some poop to clean up.

Want to build a ministry or church… there’s going to be some poop to clean up.

Want to have a successful relationship… there’s going to be some poop to clean up.

Don’t hate the poop. The poop is just one of the many tasks given by God to the sons of men to keep them occupied. And there is unfortunately an appropriate time to clean up someone else, or something else’s poop.

The lesson… puppies and poop go hand in hand. You cannot have one without the other. Nor can you live in a world, even as a Christian without getting a little dirty. 

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