Thursday, July 19, 2012


Acts 9:5, “He said, ‘Who are You, Lord?’”

I had a wonderful conversation with my friend Paul yesterday. Among the many things we talked about he apologized for not reading my blog more. He said, “I like the stories, I just don’t like when you get preachy.” Now to some that might sound like criticism, but it was said in love and taken as such. In fact, I have heard many compliments about the “stories” which are really nothing more than real life experiences, or testimonies as evangelicals might call them. As I talked to Paul I went into the stats, and in fact most of the posts in the top 10 viewed are stories.

But as I explained to Paul, and as you see here, I don’t write for Him or you, or even me sometimes. I write what I feel like God puts on my heart to write and to my amazement I wake up and find this blog unintentionally fulfilling the great commission. Mark 16:15 Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” And so that is what I do. I share, sometimes in stories, sometimes in preaching the good news of knowing Christ. Sometimes I find Him in the least of people. Sometimes I find Him in His word. Sometimes I find Him in struggles or blessings or the exciting or the mundane. But here, all of these writings are a collection of just a few of the times I am acutely aware He is not only with me, but in me.

Shameless surrender in hopes that we might know Christ more. That is what this is about. Staying true to that vision. Not for me to know Christ more, not for you to know Christ more, but for US to know Christ more. I am not here to preach or tell stories. I am not here for accolades. I am not even here to explain things, reinforce doctrine, or create religion.  I am just here hoping in shameless surrender.

Oswald Chambers has some wonderful commentary on today’s passage which I took directly from Utmost for His Highest. He says, “Many people begin coming to God once they stop being religious, because there is one Master of the heart – Jesus Christ,  not religion. But ‘Woe is me’ is after seeing Him I still will not obey.

This is my act of obedience, now you go and obey Him today in whatever it is He has called you to do.

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