Monday, July 16, 2012

Black Sheep

Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

You need only have a few children to quickly learn that no matter how as a parent you try to raise them all the same, they are all going to miraculously turn out with a variety of talents and personality. Parents with enough children will discover that the proverbial black sheep will always occur.

I should know. As one of 2 children I certain had those black sheep characteristics. But the important thing to remember as a parent is that even if you have a black sheep child, always remember they are still a sheep none the less. Oh not in the following the pack mentality but in their potential for Christ. After all sheep know the Master’s voice, and sheep will be placed on Christ right, but the goats… their destiny is unenviable to say the least.

Proverbs tells us to ‘teach a child in the way that they should go and when they grow old they will not depart.’ At least that is the version I have memorized. This does not say they will make perfect decisions in their teens and twenties. Nor does this say they will never rebel or get in all manner of trouble. But it does say that if you give your children the foundation of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ that they will have it as a place to return.

I know when godly men with prodigal sons. Shoot, I as a born rebel and black sheep have instilled many of those “independent” qualities into my own children. But one thing I know. They all have been trained in the way they “should” go. And though from time to time each of them wanders to explore the “world” I am confident that God’s word is true.

It is hard as a parent sometimes to trust God with the safety and security of your teen & adult children, but simultaneously it is required. Because God knows the plans He has for them. We simply remain a safe harbor for their return, we as parents need to be an encourager, and always praying that God would protect them and reveal Himself to them. That’s it. Not very pro-active, but certainly the best way to deal with the black sheep in us all, and in every family.

Having said all of this, and knowing that my children read my posts, I want them and you to know this is not birthed out of some disappointment to poor choice they have made. I am proud of all my children. To Sarah, Katherine, Hugh, Isaac, and even my step-daughter Lauren I think you all are well on your way to discovering all that God has for you in spite of any mis-steps – most of which have been mine.

So parents love your children. There is no shame in that. Be available when they come looking. Support them in their endeavors. And pray for them when there coat is darkened a little by the bad choices we are all capable of making.

For those parents who’s sheep have left to conduct life their own way… let them go. They will be back. That’s the lesson of the prodigal son, and that’s the promise of today’s scripture.

And most important of all... never give up! A black sheep is still a sheep that God has a plan for. 

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