Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Looking Back

Genesis 19:17 – 26 “When they (angels) had brought them outside, one said, ‘Escape for your life! Do not look behind you, and do not stay anywhere in the valley; escape to the mountains, or you will be swept away...’ But his wife, from behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.”

This morning as I drove to work I thought of my day ahead and wondered heavenward how the month would come together financially. That’s just me, always evaluating on a financial basis. And in an instant I thought back through my colored past. Nothing new mind you, I often look back wondering what if? But today I looked back and didn’t see something I dearly missed, but I saw a beautiful path of where God has brought me to today.

On the radio the DJ’s were discussing a poll that said 92% of men had someone in their past they regret not being with. They called it their white elephant. Me… I can’t believe it took me so  long to find the wife perfect for me. I actually embrace life today as it has been perfectly designed by God for me.

Isn’t it funny how we look around and the grass is always greener than the very grass we stand on. Looking back our mind erases the pain and says that grass was greener. Looking to the side that same mind ignores the pain of others and says their grass is greener. Equally wrong, we even still will say tomorrow’s grass will be greener.

Perhaps all this green grass comes from the fact that we live in a valley. Peace, safety, green grass, flowing springs… it all looks so wonderful as mankind gorges on grass. But for me, there is very little grass. I have been brought outside, lead, even driven from the valley up the mountain.

The mountain is not as hospitable. There is less grass, the beast are wild and gamey as well as more dangerous. But up the mountain is always where God is found, and it is always better to be forcibly removed from the valley than to be swept away with its destruction.  I just thank God for grace and mercy on all the times I looked back longing to return. I thank Him that I have my life, a full life, and that my longings and curiosity didn’t destroy my soul and flesh like it did for Lott’s wife.

Have you ever considered the valleys of the Bible? The Valley of the Shadow of Death. Hades is a Valley. Armageddon is a valley. Sodom, Gomorrah, Jericho… all in valleys. While Jerusalem sits on a hill. Moses met God on Mount Sinai. Jesus prayed on Mount of Olives. All the time Jesus is going up the mountain to pray.

These thoughts, these reminders make me commit again to climb that mountain with Christ, never looking back to miss the past, but pressing onward to the high calling of God.

Finally the music selection today reminds me of my wife and the wonderful life that Christ has brought me to… albeit kicking and screaming the whole way. 

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