Friday, May 24, 2013

Not That Complicated

Philippians 3:10, “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.”        

Yesterday’s post titled “Materialism” was my longest post to date. I talked of how in my spirit three separate concepts have come into question within me simultaneously. Those concepts being materialism, community, and redemption. The tendency is to over complicate things and begin to wonder how the three are related, is God requiring something of me? Is He trying to reveal some big secret? Is there some trick of catch to all of this? And the answer is a resounding "no" to all the questions.

When God is drawing us to look at anything Kingdom related He is ALWAYS drawing us to look at Christ. Yes I am learning details about myself as it relates to the three subjects, but those details at the end of the day will be how I am different from Jesus so that He can present Himself in a fuller way.

For example, materialism… Christ in no way was materialistic. He was never motivated by a paycheck. He was never deterred or alarmed by any temporary lack of anything. On community, we are the body of Christ. True Christianity as a whole is an inseparable community, and to want to separate is really to be a cancer within that body. As for redemption, Christ is the Redeemer.

So everything always comes back to Jesus.

My mother engaged me in a discussion the other day about a book she had read and “judgment coming to America.” The book went into great detail pulling American history together all the way back to George Washington, and somehow tying it all with the Prophet in 2 Chronicles 7 where He quoted God saying, “and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and see My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” As she went into one event after another I thought, “how complicated.” Who has time to go and check every detail for facts, because if one little detail is off, one point of history is made up the whole theory falls a part. Beyond that what does it have to do with Christ. The very passage screams of Christ. Christ is how God hears us, Christ is how we are forgiven. And Christ is the door to an INDIVIDUAL relationship with Christ. We are no longer under judgment as nations. We are under judgment as individuals because of Christ. If this were not the case then our redemption would be dependent upon someone else.

If spiritual life were that complicated then only the intelligent would know God, and that is not true at all.

Rabbi Lapin said something that rings so true. “We are spiritual beings in a body. We are not a body with a soul.” Spiritual understanding, relationship with God is from the inside out, not the outside in. When we are in right relationship, when we are believing the truth then there is peace and joy and fruits of the spirit. If something from the world, from outside our spirit is bothering us it is because we are not agreeing with the truth that is found in Christ.

For me Christ is showing me the truth about materialism, community, and redemption. In that process I am confused because it is different from my current beliefs.  Can you see this? But the point is not to make me a better theologian. The point is the let me see Jesus more clearly, and to become more like Him.

In the past I would complicate things. I would assume I am on some path to find some great spiritual truth, some secret spiritual formula to living successfully, to achieving my desired results. But God is simply saying, ‘here Jeff, let me show you Christ; but to see Him we have to change some of your preconceptions that are not founded in truth.’

My prayer is that as you get confused in your spiritual growth that you will remember it is not that complicated. It is all about Jesus and being in right relationship with Him to see the truth.

For the video below consider the remote control Jesus... what lengths we go to to get to Him when He is just  an arms length away. 

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