Friday, February 24, 2012

The World is Against Me

John 16:33, “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

1 Peter 5:8, “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”

This week has been a brutal battle at the office. Last month I had a file that the day before closing the title company refused to close because the property was Ag Exempt. It took a month to renegotiate and remove the Ag Exemption only to have title tell me once again the day before closing that the “rules changed” and that can no longer close properties that were “recently” Ag Exempt.

Then today, on another file I needed a tax return stamped received by the IRS so we can close, and after having the return expeditiously prepared, signed, and sent overnight to me because my client lives in the boondocks… the IRS tells me that two week ago the “rules changed” and the taxpayer has to appear in person to file a return for a receipt.

Nothing spikes my adrenaline like a “rule change” that destroys my expectations. As I left the Mickey Leeland Federal Building feeling like a wounded puppy I crossed paths with a Department of Homeland Security K9 unit. Crossing within inches of the officer and the dog, the dog looks up at me as if to say… I’m going to bite you. In my mind I thought, go ahead… it would be par for the course this week.

So as I got in my car, thankful I had paid for parking correctly and it hadn’t been towed, I cried out to God… the world is against me.

To that the Holy Spirit replied, “You are correct, but I am for you.”

And so that is just a part of life. Walking in love as the rules change against you. Trusting in God that His plans will prevail when our plans are hindered around every turn.

“I count all things loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not regard myself as having or it YET; but one thing I do; forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil 3:8-14)

Thursday, February 23, 2012


James 4:1-3, “What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members? You lust and do not have so you commit murder. (Murder in word more than deed) You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask with the wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures.”

Is there a passage of scripture that better describes the “class warfare” being stirred in the world today?

Driving home the other night I was listening to talk radio. On came a gentleman who was describing his grief of being alienated by siblings and other family. It seems the source of the alienation was from the fact that he married into “money.” Of course that is one side of what is probably a complicated story, but reality is jealousy is very prevalent in all society for all of time. But what caused my conversation with God was not understanding why people envy someone else’s success. And frankly I am guilty too. It irritates me to know that the Kardashians make $65 million a year for what they do. Crazy!! 

The point was I began to look at how people get rich to begin with. The occupy movement would have you believe that the rich got there 100% by greed, manipulation, and ill gotten gains. And it is true that people like Ken Lay, Bernie Madoff, Allan Stanford and other examples prove this thought process is in part true.

Others gain riches by a blessing from God. Efforts are blessed, inheritances are received, and proverbial lotteries are won. But by and large the group of people that the world consider rich did it one way.

Today’s common millionaire is rich by world standards because they did without. The common millionaire achieved the storage of wealth by a simple formula of spending less than they made. And yet jealousy fills the hearts of men because they themselves were unable to exercise discipline, they were unable to forego today’s pleasure, they have not asked. And if they have asked, God has ignored their plea because they ask to spend it on themselves.

In the end God could care less whether you are rich or not. In fact, Jesus Himself said we would always have the poor. (Matt 26:11) He does promise we will have all we “need.” He does say be content with food and covering. (1 Tim 6:8) The point is next time you find yourself jealous of someone that has more than you. Remember, they likely got there by doing without, by spending less than they made. Self-control makes millionaires and happens to be a godly characteristic as well. Of course Jesus also said, “do not store up for yourself treasure on earth… but store up… treasure in heaven.” (Matt 6:19-20) I will close with that thought for you to ponder. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Proverbs 24:32, “When I saw, I reflected upon it; I looked, and received instruction.”

I can’t get past marveling at what God has done in my life since I begun this blog in May of 2011. I am so thankful for His blessing, and yet I am simultaneously frightened by the blindness I live in. They say hindsight is 20/20, and scripture is certainly true when it says "we see as in a mirror dimly." (1 Cor 13:12) Our spiritual eyesight is so much better having been through, than being in.

Had you asked me a year ago; I would have thought my books, this blog, and itinerate ministry would be paying my way in life.  Had you asked if I would ever return to the mortgage industry I would have said over my dead body. And yet mortgages are the very place that God has me.

Wow things can really turn on a dime in obedience to God. God said He would bring me a job, and this one certainly was provided by Him. My friend Pastor Bob did prophesy that God would call me out of the mortgage industry and into ministry when I was at the top of the business, not the bottom. That still has time to come true, particularly in light of the fact that I am the top producer in our office, this and every month I have been here.

Looking back I read through so many posts dealing with the anxiety and fear associated with not knowing where the provision was going to come from. And though I am not fully out of the woods, I am in awe of how God is arranging everything to that all my obligations of the past are being satisfied.

I am in awe of how God did not allow my motives and my expectations get in His way of plan. Thank you Lord for that. I thought the blog would create income with the “support my ministry” button. Oh that makes me laugh today as not even $1 has come in from it… check that. My friend Ryan may have sent $1 testing it. But I do appreciate God’s loving lesson in it. He was showing me how to be obedient without regard for the consequences.

You see, this blog is just that. Me simply being obedient to what I feel God is telling me to write down. In the beginning I wanted to know how many people were reading it. I wanted to bring traffic to it. Anymore I don’t check the stats to see who is coming and going. Shoot, I just realized there has now been over 6000 visitors to the site, not counting the dozens that subscribe daily by e-mail. Funny, because I was going to celebrate 6000 when it came around. Guess God had a different plan, because now 6000 visits seem so irrelevant. 

And so here it is. My simple act of obedience… propel… a blog.

I would be lying if I said this blog is ONLY in obedience, and that I don’t have dreams and desires for it. And so I will share that dream. That dream is that this blog would be my legacy to my children. I pray that when the time comes that I finally go to be with the Object of my love, that my children, and their children would read these words and relive, or see for the first time a father, grandfather, even great grandfather deeply in love with Jesus Christ. I would hope that I could walk with them daily in these words of relationship. 

The words are not here to be something they are not. They are not here to promote me. They are here in shameless surrender of all that I am in devotion to Christ. To everyone who reads these words may God bless you.

To my children, to my children’s children, and to every generation to come, I love you. 

Friday, February 17, 2012


Romans 8: 38-39, “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor power, nor height, not depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

As I was rereading yesterday’s post something in what T Austin-Sparks wrote hit me. He wrote, “there is not a power that can alter it.” (God’s love.) The pressure is off. Nothing can stop God’s love. Nothing can stop His calling. Nothing can stop His predestination. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you;” (Jeremiah 1:5) We can struggle against God’s love, we can reject it even… but we cannot stop it.

Yes we need to walk in His love. Yes we need to be love, but even if we are not it does not change God’s plan. He has a counter for every action, and that counter is love. That counter is calling us to Himself. Worried about loved ones? Rest in God’s indestructible, unstoppable love. God does not only have a master plan to save “some.” God has a master plan for your individual life. God has a master plan for the next hour, min, and second of your existence. Nothing can “separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Tap into it by abiding in the place where that inseparable love resides… in Christ.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

God Is In Control

Romans: 8:30, “and these whom He predestined, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.”

The subject of judging and condemning one another remains foremost in my conversations with God, and thus the continued topic of this blog. At this point is it is understood that the judgment and condemnation is often motivated by jealousy, lust, or even an expression of personal struggles or conviction… the proverbial log in the eye making a splinter in someone else’s a much bigger problem than it really is.

And yet, even with this revelation, even with the bulk of Christian leadership knowing Christ commands us not to judge or condemn, still daily there are continuing examples of it. Always a person judging a group for which he/she has no association. The flockless self appointed shepherd judging the sheep of another persists all the while serving the father of lies creating confusion and causing little ones to stumble into bondage.

Worse is it is often done in the name of an apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, or evangelist. This in no way suggests those roles do not exists in a God ordained position of tending sheep, but it forsakes the very nature of salvation that led to the calling.

Were you saved by a man? Did you intellect convince you to follow Christ? Did a sermon change your life? According to the scripture the answer is a resounding, no. God predestines. God calls. God justifies. God does it all. On occasion the Evangelists is used to open the eyes of the lost to the calling God is broadcasting. And here in lies the real purpose of all the ministries. To allow people to see through love, not judgment or condemnation.

I am not a puritan. I do not believe in the absence of free will. But I do believe God is much better at convicting than man’s words, systems, and doctrines. It is time to trust God to handle salvation and sin. It is time to tend the sheep God gives us. And if we have no sheep, then it is time for us to live Christ… to stop worrying about every else’s relationship to God and start worrying about our own.

Here are the words of T Austin-Sparks. “There is a ground that is settled and fixed, unshakeable in the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. That ground is the expression of the love of God in Christ Jesus for me; not my love for Him, not anything that I have done or can do, not anything that is in me or that I can produce, but it is all what He is, what He has done, what He has given, and what He has established in His own Person at the right hand of God. That is divine love, and that has been made to rest upon you and upon me “whom he foreknew…”. He has done it all in relation to us, the thing is finished, and there is not a power in God’s universe that can alter it, that can change it, that can shake it. It is something which God has done. It is a manifestation of His own love in Christ, which nothing in the creation can touch, and it is bound up with God’s elect.”

Finally think of Christ' relationship to His disciples. It was always the religious from outside the circle (kingdom) that were casting judgments and condemnations. The accusations were valid, and yet Jesus never joined in their condemnation, nor did He forsake the fellowship with them. There is no condemnation in Christ because Christ covered all the sin with His blood… yours, mine, and theirs – past, present, and future. We are not God’s recruiters here to get people to join a club. Christ sits high on the throne and is well in control of that. We are here to be a light, a living example of the love of Christ... not to do, but to be. Not worried about tomorrow for us or them, but living wholly in obedience to Christ right now. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What's Coming Out?

Mark 7: 15, “There is nothing outside the man which can defile him if it goes into him; but the things which proceed out of the man are what defile the man.”

Jesus summarized His point of view post an attack from the Pharisees of His disciples unlawful habit of not washing before eating. Here the religious leaders come and condemn Christ’s disciples based on the Law of Moses. Blind... I wonder if they ever saw what Paul did when He said, “there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1)

Jesus when describing the kingdom of God describes Himself as a man who sowed seed. The enemy came and sowed tares among the same field. (Tares representing evil and the seed being good.) And what does the man (Christ) say of the good and evil existing together in the field? He says, “Allow both to grow together until the harvest…” (Matt 13:30) (The harvest being the end of time and the judgment day of our Lord.)

What of the woman caught in the very act of adultery in John 8? Out of the months of the religious came condemnation and judgment upon the woman. While out of Jesus’ mouth came this, “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone.”

There are those that would like to say that the defilement that comes out or a mouth is cussing or bad language, and for the individual this may very well be, but the judgment is the defilement. There are those that condemn drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and needing prescription medications to cope or survive. And yet Christ turned water into wine. He was called a drunkard. (Out of their mouths they were defiled) His disciples were called “sinners.” And little did they know it was their judgments and their words that defiled them. (Matt 11:19)

“Christians” condemn and judge, and like the Pharisees use the word of God as justification. Scriptures like, “your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor. 6) to justify all manner of rules concerning eating and drinking and activities. Christians spout “prophesies” of old, and call for a return to a law. They use Matthew 5:18 where Christ said, “For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.”

News flash… Christ dying on the cross was all being accomplished. That is why He was also able to raise from the dead. Get it? The law of sin is death. But when the law is fulfilled, when it is accomplished then death has no more power. This is not an excuse to go and sin. This is the basis for not judging and condemning others. 

I don’t see this pattern of condemnation ever ending. Judgments are just a few of the tares that will remain until the final harvest. But I choose today to not be a part of the judgments of men. I choose to not be in the camp of Satan as an accuser of the brethren. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Republic

Galatians 5:1, “It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.”

Jesus always ignored or deflected political questions posed to Him. And yet I truly believe the political atmosphere in the US and the world is very reflective of this generation’s collective spiritual state.

A republic’s very definition is a government by the people. A republic is the freest form of government as it empowers the individual. In a republic there is truly a freedom to be the king of your own castle. A democracy on the other hand is not supportive of individual freedoms to the same degree. A democracy can deteriorate to mob rules, or a majority can impose their will on the freedoms of the individual. In a democracy the ungodly can rule over the godly and the Christian can be subjected to the yoke of slavery.

And this is the slow methodical direction that the US has been on. One in which individual liberties and freedoms are stifled in the name of a greater good. The founding fathers modeled our constitution and form of government after the bible. There is a trinity of powers just like with The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There was the pursuit of happiness, an uncommon way of describing a right to property ownership. This too in keeping with God’s promise of land, and in opposition to the monarch owning all land as is the case in the England.

Step by step the individual’s freedoms are deprived. Home Owner’s Associations dictate what owners can do and not do with their land. Cities create rules and revenue streams stifling the same freedoms of the individual. States dictate to Cities and communities how the children of that community will be educated. And a Federal government is now out of control controlling, regulating, and legislating away so many other freedoms, and why not?

Isn’t this the very thing that religion has done? Christianity, or at least Christ, did not dictate anything other than love. Yes the law existed and was spoken to Moses by God, but it was there as a guide to what Christ’s life would actually be. It was prophetic to what life in heaven will be like. The commandments were there to say this is what a person who comes into relationship with the Father will become. And yet man, through religion has used it to enslave people. Why wouldn’t our government be a reflection of the attitudes and practices of the church?

Islamic countries are a reflection of the Muslim faith, regardless of how secular the government is. Europe is very much a reflection of the predominately atheistic attitude. The humanism of atheism in Europe has proven that man left to his own design will crush himself in greed and laziness.

And so our country is becoming a reflection of the people’s spirituality. This is not a condemnation of any faith, denomination, spiritual leader, or system. It is just a statement of fact that the INDIVIDUAL has lost sight. The individual has lost the appreciation for freedom and instead has subjected himself to the yoke of slavery, often times for some temporary pleasure.

The individual condemns others in spite of there being no condemnation in Christ. The adulterer is metaphorically stoned by society in spite of Christ forgiving her. Our nation is a reflection of the judgments of the individuals falling in upon themselves. We judge and then condemn and then confine. We deny freedom in the name of righteousness. And now we have a government over us that has grown exponentially in its judgments, condemnation, and confinement. A government that is enslaving generations to come with its choices today.

Where is integrity? Where is truth? Where is love? Why are votes cast based on who can win instead of conscience?

The individual conscience has been enslaved with the lust of power, lust of pleasure, lust to control and lust of self. And therefore our collective looks like nothing more than the individual.

For the republic to survive the individual freedom must be restored. Power must be stripped from the few and returned to the individual. How is this done? It is done in Christ. Walk in the freedom of Christ; live in love as He did. Set aside your freedom stifling judgments. Stand firm for freedom. Stand firm that all sin is forgiven only by the blood of Jesus. Stand firm for truth and integrity. And as we individually walk in the light, then the collective will reflect that same light.
Stop trying to rule everyone else’s world and start standing in the freedom to rule your own.

Friday, February 10, 2012


John 21:18, “Truly, truly I say to you, when you were younger, you used to gird yourself and walk wherever you wished; but when you grow old, you stretch out your hands and someone else will gird you, and bring you where you do not wish to go.”

For whatever reason God has decided that one of the things that grieves me is when Pastor’s and church leaders are critical of other ministries or other Christians. (And yet I am guilty of the very thing I hate on occasion.) On one level is it with such arrogance that the criticism comes. As if their calling, their ministry, their efforts are more pure, more godly, more God ordained then their fellow laborers. I don’t know the motive of their heart or the origin of their criticism, but I could speculate that based on it is the lesser congregational leaders often criticizing the larger congregations that jealousy could be at the root.

Just the other day I saw a post of facebook of a Pastor criticizing a congregations worship as entertaining and motivated by anything other than God. Wonder if the Pastor ever actually attended one of the services. I wonder how many people are blessed by the presence of God in that “entertaining” service. For me you can keep the pipe organ, give me the drums, keyboards, and electric guitars… but that is off topic.

The truth is that churches, congregations, are not The Church. They are a part of The Church but reality is people gather in communities and around common bonds, whether it is worship style, décor, preaching styles, length of service, doctrine, a host of reasons centered in culture. Why can’t God have equally called one pastor to tend His group of sheep in one manner and tell a different Pastor to tend His sheep in another manner based on the community served? What we really need to be concerned with is, why do I attend the institution I attend?

The above passage may seem completely irrelevant to the topic at hand. It was said by Jesus right after He told Peter three times to tend His sheep. It was foretelling of Him being led to the cross and a place He did not want to go. But it also pierces the point in that there is a time in our life where we go where we want to, and there is a time in our life where we go where we are led. I go to a church where I have been led, and yet there are many there who go because they want to.

We need to allow the Holy Spirit to work in us and stop worrying about everyone else. Of the passage above T Austin-Sparks says the Holy Spirit will “pierce through traditional and formal religion or ‘Christianity’… is your religion a matter of attachment or adherence to a system, a historical tradition, a family inheritance; and so on? Or is it born – is it a birth in you; is it something that has happened to you; is it your very life, your very being?” The Holy Spirit will “demand to know whether the reason why you are where you are, are concerned for what you are concerned for, are connected with what you are connected with, and are disposed as you are, is because your particular temperament leans that way. You are artistic and mystical in your tastes and constitution: therefore you choose or make your religion after your own image. Your temperament is melancholic, and so the more abstract, profound, serious, intense, introspective, and speculative, appeals to you and finds a natural response in you.” It is not our responsibility to be concerned for someone else. We must ask ourselves if we “make God, Christianity, Christ, the Bible, after (our) image.”

T Austin-Sparks goes on to say, “Or again, you are of the practical temperament. To you everything is only of value as it is ‘practical.’ You have no patience with these contemplative people. You are irritated by the ‘Marys,’ for ‘many dishes’ are your concern. To you, how the end is reached is of much less importance than the end itself. You are not bothered much with imagination, and you would put all the value on things done – how much there is actually to show for your day. Your God and your Christianity are entirely, or almost entirely, of the practical kind, after your own image. And so we could go on with all the other temperaments. But this will not do, for Christ is not any one of these; He is different. He may combine the good in all, but that does not wholly mean Divine nature. He is different. All this is the human soul, but the essential nature of Christ and true Christianity is of the Divine Spirit – it is heavenly! If new birth means anything, it means this, that another nature and disposition is born into the believer, so that he or she is "carried whither they (naturally) would not."

Pay attention… “Christ is not any one of these; He is different…” No Christian congregation contains ALL that Christ is. No doctrine is superior to the doctrine and law of love. And since none is perfect, no denomination has it 100%, then who are any of us to cast the first stone?  (John 8:7) Who are any of us to judge by what Spirit man comes to know Christ. (Mark 3:29)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Father

John 14:23, “Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word (obey); and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him.”

Yesterday’s post discussed the individuality of the components of what religion calls the Trinity. Today I really feel compelled to focus on the Father. After all it was the Father who walked in the garden with Adam & Eve. (Gen 3:8) And it is this abiding with man that God has been at work restoring since original sin created the separation.

Think about it… one sin started the separation in motion. The consequence of which was removal from the Garden of Eden, but not complete separation from God. Sin upon sin moved God further and further away to the point that only the priest could in anyway be in His presence. All priest being allowed in the court yard of the tabernacle. Even less were allowed closer into the Holy Place. And finally only one Priest, the High Priest was allowed into the Holy of Holies where God’s made His abode atop the Ark of the Covenant. And so the High Priest was a prophetic statement of the person of Jesus Christ, the One allowed into God’s abode.

But what happens in the moment of His death. The veil that separates the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place is torn. Once again through God’s sacrifice of His Son, and the Son’s obedience the abiding with the Father is once again available to mankind. The multitude of sin separating man from the Father is washed away by the blood Christ shed on the cross.

I challenge you to reread the gospels. Look for the references to the Father. Look at the role the Father plays in Christ's life. Oh never stop celebrating or worshiping Jesus, but understand Jesus came to worship the Father. Jesus came so that we could have access  to Him, so that He could once again make His abode with all of mankind to the degree the except Christ.

I will close with the greatest prayer I have ever prayed. For years I thought about how Solomon and Elisha were granted one prayer request per se. Solomon prayed for wisdom. Not wanting to duplicate Solomon, or Elisha's request for a double portion I wanted to pray something unique for me and God’s destiny in my life. That prayer was this. “Father that I would know Jesus as a friend, that He would introduce me to You, and that You would embrace me as a son.” Won’t you seek to know the Father today?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Father, Son, & Holy Spirit

2 Corinthians 12: 4-6, “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons.”

I do not understand the idea of the Trinity, how God can be three and yet one. Some have told me that it is like three personalities in One Being. Others have described it to me like three sides of a triangle. For me, I don’t think it is a salvation issue is you believe in the Trinity or not. But one thing is for certain; each aspect, whether all God of not, plays a different role in our lives as a Christian.

In the above passage Paul starts with the Spirit and describes Him as responsible for gifts. a.k.a gifts of the Spirit. Jesus said that He would send the Spirit as a Helper. So Jesus goes to heaven and sends the Spirit. If the doctrine of the Trinity is correct, why didn’t Jesus say He was coming back as the Spirit? Or why was Jesus filled with the Spirit if He is already the Spirit?

On the contrary He remains in heaven sitting at the right hand of God until all His enemies are made a footstool for His feet. (Hebrews 1:13) And this role Jesus plays sitting there next to God is according to Paul as the one responsible for ministries. Christ is the Head of the Church. (Eph 5:23)

And then there is the Father who is indisputable the God head, but who alone controls effects. God the Father alone wields the power to affect the universe in any way He sees fit.

And so with kingdom eyes our prayers are shaped as the nature of Christ grows inside of us. The Holy Spirit helps, Christ leads, and the Father does. When we ask, we are to ask of the Father in the name of Jesus. We ask God the Father because Christ has lead us, even commanded us so that His ministry is served. Think about it. (John 15:16 & 16:23) “…whatever you ask OF THE FATHER in My name He may give to you.

I am in no way disavowing “The Holy Trinity.” But I am encouraging others to experience God the Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit in the pureness of their individuality. The Father is our audience, Christ is our master, and the Holy Spirit is the voice. Spend time experiencing and understanding each. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fight/Flight Stand

Ephesians 6:11, “Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to STAND firm against the schemes of the devil.”

I have known for a long time the existence within all of us the fight or flight mechanisms. Fight or flight being that spontaneous reaction to an adrenaline inducing event that causes us to run to or run away from when the dramatic occurs. For me, I normally think of this as a physical response to a danger, but reality is it is also an emotional response. To lesser degrees this same fight or flight mechanism functions in every area of our life such as home, work, friendships, and acquaintances. To describe something as an “emotional issue” is really to do nothing more than describe an issue that triggers a fight or flight response. And unfortunately that response is more often than not autonomous. It is the uncontrolled reaction of experience triggering adrenaline.

And so I have Jim Spivey to thank for these thoughts and his attempt to describe the transformative work that God has him doing. Jim knows that transformation does not come from controlling the flight. In quoting S.N. Goenka it is clear that “Avoidance or escape are no solution.” Likewise fighting is not a solution either. We cannot battle to a point that “nothing bad or unwanted happens in life.” To the contrary, success, overcoming, finding joy, living for God, being a Christian is “based on ego surrender, faith in the process, and conscious connection to God.”

Said like the apostle Paul in Ephesians, armor is not there to fight, it is not there to protect our retreat, the armor of God is there so that we can “stand firm.”

Both fight and flight are products of the flesh and automated reactions of ego and self. God’s reaction to today is to stand. Stand for truth. Stand with Christ. A light does not need to argue with darkness about its brightness. A lamp does not need to move to affect its environment with its purpose. And neither to we, if we will be who Christ called us to be… a shining example of Himself. 

Ephesians 6:12, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places."

What this video... to me it is what standing looks like in the spirit. The Spartan being the kingdom of God and the Persians being Satan and his cohorts.

Having written this and ready to post I realize as I looked for some art to go with it that fight or flight is a survival instinct. And Christ does not call us to survive. He calls us to the cross that we might die to self and be resurrected to a new life. So stop surviving and start dying to find that new life in Christ. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Crisis in Private

Isaiah 6:9, “He said, Go and tell this people; ‘Keep on listening, but do not perceive; keep on looking, but do not understand.’”

Of all the things scriptural, the one subject that seems to be always foremost in my mind is the kingdom of God. I have described it as best I can, and in those descriptions I have said it is sight. The kingdom of God, or the awareness of it in us, is in so many ways vision. It is looking and understanding. In fact Jesus quoted Isaiah 6:9 right after saying to His disciples, “… To  you has been given the mystery of the kingdom of God, but those who are outside get everything in parables.”

To whom is the kingdom described in parables, in mystery? Those who are outside it. To those in the kingdom there is also the awareness of it.

And so we have people, just like in the time of Christ, who are both aware of the kingdom of God, and those who are not. There are those who are aware of the rule and reign of Christ and there are those who are not. This awareness cannot be judged, observed in others, unless being observed from within the kingdom. Consider the Pharisees. They were religiously taught; they were use to spiritual practices and yet were blind to the kingdom of God.

I would even go so far as to say that the awareness of the kingdom of God is immeasurable on all levels. Even the person to whom it is alive and growing within them has no revelation as to the kingdom’s full capacity or purpose. But what is known to the aware is the tangibility of it all.  And what is further know is that surrender to the cross of Christ is the entrance.

Of this entrance through the cross Oswald Chambers  wrote, “…you are ready to be offered as a sacrifice for Him. Then accept the consequences as they come, without any complaints, in spite of what God may send your way. God sends you through a crisis in private, where no other person can help you. From the outside your life may appear to be the same, but the difference is taking place in your will. Once you have experienced the crisis in your will, you will take no thought of the cost when it begins to affect you externally.

More often than not the person who is aware of the kingdom of God has a life that looks very different on the outside. Worldly motivations no longer have the same value. To those kingdom aware, their actions become crazy as the consequences lose consideration in the eyes of those not aware of the kingdom. The battlefield is no longer where are feet go, but it becomes more and more where our spirit dwells. The battlefield in the end is inside us - - for those who look and understand.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Ephesians 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us,”

I am in one of these strange expanding places with God. Expanding in that my spirit is wandering in many directions unable to comprehend all the implications and conversations of its travels.  On the most superficial plane of spirituality there is a struggle with my own competitive spirit wanting to be the best at something… or even everything. That place in my ego that is insatiable with accomplishment, impatient with doing more, faster. It manifest as being the top producer in the office is not enough. Winning the next and every sales contest is not enough. How do I do more?

And so on this level my mind plots and plans against everything I have learned in the art of surrendering to God. Just days ago a friend prayed that I would have big dreams for God. Am I supposed to have those?

For me personally, I am not at a place to dream; quite the opposite in fact. I am in a place where God is saying don’t think past this very moment, and in the next moment obey me just as you did a moment ago. Don’t think… don’t ask… don’t plan… “’For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not calamity to give you a future and a hope.’” (Jeremiah 29:11) I cannot ask God for anything, because I do not know what to ask. I cannot think of a plan to accomplish His will because His plans are already laid and so much larger than my own.

Going another direction... months ago I would have killed to be invited to minister. Now I have a standing invitation, and nothing to say. J What a joyful place to be where the ministry I have is from Him, and if He has said nothing to me, then I say nothing to others.

And then it all comes to this… “according to the power that works within us.” “For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power.” (1 Corinthians 4:20) A friend described the kingdom of God the other day like the One Ring in Lords of the Rings. It is of course not evil, but it is the tangible thing that exists and can be put on or made aware of. It has a power to open our eyes to see what the truth is. The truth that Elisah saw in 2 Kings 5:17, “… And the Lord opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”

So I do dream. I dream of going deeper into the gospel of the kingdom of God. I dream of seeing clearer. I dream of resting in the peace that God does have a plan - - that He is in control. I dream that I one day my love will be purer, and that I will enjoy the face of God. And until then I continue to crucify the competitive spirit and my own plans formed in selfishness.


And then the phone rings… it’s a realtor with a loan for me.  And then it rings again… it’s another realtor with another loan. Here I wasted all that energy plotting and planning how to get more loans when spending time with Jesus contemplating His kingdom was all that was needed.