Thursday, February 23, 2012


James 4:1-3, “What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members? You lust and do not have so you commit murder. (Murder in word more than deed) You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask with the wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures.”

Is there a passage of scripture that better describes the “class warfare” being stirred in the world today?

Driving home the other night I was listening to talk radio. On came a gentleman who was describing his grief of being alienated by siblings and other family. It seems the source of the alienation was from the fact that he married into “money.” Of course that is one side of what is probably a complicated story, but reality is jealousy is very prevalent in all society for all of time. But what caused my conversation with God was not understanding why people envy someone else’s success. And frankly I am guilty too. It irritates me to know that the Kardashians make $65 million a year for what they do. Crazy!! 

The point was I began to look at how people get rich to begin with. The occupy movement would have you believe that the rich got there 100% by greed, manipulation, and ill gotten gains. And it is true that people like Ken Lay, Bernie Madoff, Allan Stanford and other examples prove this thought process is in part true.

Others gain riches by a blessing from God. Efforts are blessed, inheritances are received, and proverbial lotteries are won. But by and large the group of people that the world consider rich did it one way.

Today’s common millionaire is rich by world standards because they did without. The common millionaire achieved the storage of wealth by a simple formula of spending less than they made. And yet jealousy fills the hearts of men because they themselves were unable to exercise discipline, they were unable to forego today’s pleasure, they have not asked. And if they have asked, God has ignored their plea because they ask to spend it on themselves.

In the end God could care less whether you are rich or not. In fact, Jesus Himself said we would always have the poor. (Matt 26:11) He does promise we will have all we “need.” He does say be content with food and covering. (1 Tim 6:8) The point is next time you find yourself jealous of someone that has more than you. Remember, they likely got there by doing without, by spending less than they made. Self-control makes millionaires and happens to be a godly characteristic as well. Of course Jesus also said, “do not store up for yourself treasure on earth… but store up… treasure in heaven.” (Matt 6:19-20) I will close with that thought for you to ponder. 

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