Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Proverbs 24:32, “When I saw, I reflected upon it; I looked, and received instruction.”

I can’t get past marveling at what God has done in my life since I begun this blog in May of 2011. I am so thankful for His blessing, and yet I am simultaneously frightened by the blindness I live in. They say hindsight is 20/20, and scripture is certainly true when it says "we see as in a mirror dimly." (1 Cor 13:12) Our spiritual eyesight is so much better having been through, than being in.

Had you asked me a year ago; I would have thought my books, this blog, and itinerate ministry would be paying my way in life.  Had you asked if I would ever return to the mortgage industry I would have said over my dead body. And yet mortgages are the very place that God has me.

Wow things can really turn on a dime in obedience to God. God said He would bring me a job, and this one certainly was provided by Him. My friend Pastor Bob did prophesy that God would call me out of the mortgage industry and into ministry when I was at the top of the business, not the bottom. That still has time to come true, particularly in light of the fact that I am the top producer in our office, this and every month I have been here.

Looking back I read through so many posts dealing with the anxiety and fear associated with not knowing where the provision was going to come from. And though I am not fully out of the woods, I am in awe of how God is arranging everything to that all my obligations of the past are being satisfied.

I am in awe of how God did not allow my motives and my expectations get in His way of plan. Thank you Lord for that. I thought the blog would create income with the “support my ministry” button. Oh that makes me laugh today as not even $1 has come in from it… check that. My friend Ryan may have sent $1 testing it. But I do appreciate God’s loving lesson in it. He was showing me how to be obedient without regard for the consequences.

You see, this blog is just that. Me simply being obedient to what I feel God is telling me to write down. In the beginning I wanted to know how many people were reading it. I wanted to bring traffic to it. Anymore I don’t check the stats to see who is coming and going. Shoot, I just realized there has now been over 6000 visitors to the site, not counting the dozens that subscribe daily by e-mail. Funny, because I was going to celebrate 6000 when it came around. Guess God had a different plan, because now 6000 visits seem so irrelevant. 

And so here it is. My simple act of obedience… propel… a blog.

I would be lying if I said this blog is ONLY in obedience, and that I don’t have dreams and desires for it. And so I will share that dream. That dream is that this blog would be my legacy to my children. I pray that when the time comes that I finally go to be with the Object of my love, that my children, and their children would read these words and relive, or see for the first time a father, grandfather, even great grandfather deeply in love with Jesus Christ. I would hope that I could walk with them daily in these words of relationship. 

The words are not here to be something they are not. They are not here to promote me. They are here in shameless surrender of all that I am in devotion to Christ. To everyone who reads these words may God bless you.

To my children, to my children’s children, and to every generation to come, I love you. 

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