Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Father

John 14:23, “Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word (obey); and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him.”

Yesterday’s post discussed the individuality of the components of what religion calls the Trinity. Today I really feel compelled to focus on the Father. After all it was the Father who walked in the garden with Adam & Eve. (Gen 3:8) And it is this abiding with man that God has been at work restoring since original sin created the separation.

Think about it… one sin started the separation in motion. The consequence of which was removal from the Garden of Eden, but not complete separation from God. Sin upon sin moved God further and further away to the point that only the priest could in anyway be in His presence. All priest being allowed in the court yard of the tabernacle. Even less were allowed closer into the Holy Place. And finally only one Priest, the High Priest was allowed into the Holy of Holies where God’s made His abode atop the Ark of the Covenant. And so the High Priest was a prophetic statement of the person of Jesus Christ, the One allowed into God’s abode.

But what happens in the moment of His death. The veil that separates the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place is torn. Once again through God’s sacrifice of His Son, and the Son’s obedience the abiding with the Father is once again available to mankind. The multitude of sin separating man from the Father is washed away by the blood Christ shed on the cross.

I challenge you to reread the gospels. Look for the references to the Father. Look at the role the Father plays in Christ's life. Oh never stop celebrating or worshiping Jesus, but understand Jesus came to worship the Father. Jesus came so that we could have access  to Him, so that He could once again make His abode with all of mankind to the degree the except Christ.

I will close with the greatest prayer I have ever prayed. For years I thought about how Solomon and Elisha were granted one prayer request per se. Solomon prayed for wisdom. Not wanting to duplicate Solomon, or Elisha's request for a double portion I wanted to pray something unique for me and God’s destiny in my life. That prayer was this. “Father that I would know Jesus as a friend, that He would introduce me to You, and that You would embrace me as a son.” Won’t you seek to know the Father today?

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