Monday, February 13, 2012

The Republic

Galatians 5:1, “It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.”

Jesus always ignored or deflected political questions posed to Him. And yet I truly believe the political atmosphere in the US and the world is very reflective of this generation’s collective spiritual state.

A republic’s very definition is a government by the people. A republic is the freest form of government as it empowers the individual. In a republic there is truly a freedom to be the king of your own castle. A democracy on the other hand is not supportive of individual freedoms to the same degree. A democracy can deteriorate to mob rules, or a majority can impose their will on the freedoms of the individual. In a democracy the ungodly can rule over the godly and the Christian can be subjected to the yoke of slavery.

And this is the slow methodical direction that the US has been on. One in which individual liberties and freedoms are stifled in the name of a greater good. The founding fathers modeled our constitution and form of government after the bible. There is a trinity of powers just like with The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There was the pursuit of happiness, an uncommon way of describing a right to property ownership. This too in keeping with God’s promise of land, and in opposition to the monarch owning all land as is the case in the England.

Step by step the individual’s freedoms are deprived. Home Owner’s Associations dictate what owners can do and not do with their land. Cities create rules and revenue streams stifling the same freedoms of the individual. States dictate to Cities and communities how the children of that community will be educated. And a Federal government is now out of control controlling, regulating, and legislating away so many other freedoms, and why not?

Isn’t this the very thing that religion has done? Christianity, or at least Christ, did not dictate anything other than love. Yes the law existed and was spoken to Moses by God, but it was there as a guide to what Christ’s life would actually be. It was prophetic to what life in heaven will be like. The commandments were there to say this is what a person who comes into relationship with the Father will become. And yet man, through religion has used it to enslave people. Why wouldn’t our government be a reflection of the attitudes and practices of the church?

Islamic countries are a reflection of the Muslim faith, regardless of how secular the government is. Europe is very much a reflection of the predominately atheistic attitude. The humanism of atheism in Europe has proven that man left to his own design will crush himself in greed and laziness.

And so our country is becoming a reflection of the people’s spirituality. This is not a condemnation of any faith, denomination, spiritual leader, or system. It is just a statement of fact that the INDIVIDUAL has lost sight. The individual has lost the appreciation for freedom and instead has subjected himself to the yoke of slavery, often times for some temporary pleasure.

The individual condemns others in spite of there being no condemnation in Christ. The adulterer is metaphorically stoned by society in spite of Christ forgiving her. Our nation is a reflection of the judgments of the individuals falling in upon themselves. We judge and then condemn and then confine. We deny freedom in the name of righteousness. And now we have a government over us that has grown exponentially in its judgments, condemnation, and confinement. A government that is enslaving generations to come with its choices today.

Where is integrity? Where is truth? Where is love? Why are votes cast based on who can win instead of conscience?

The individual conscience has been enslaved with the lust of power, lust of pleasure, lust to control and lust of self. And therefore our collective looks like nothing more than the individual.

For the republic to survive the individual freedom must be restored. Power must be stripped from the few and returned to the individual. How is this done? It is done in Christ. Walk in the freedom of Christ; live in love as He did. Set aside your freedom stifling judgments. Stand firm for freedom. Stand firm that all sin is forgiven only by the blood of Jesus. Stand firm for truth and integrity. And as we individually walk in the light, then the collective will reflect that same light.
Stop trying to rule everyone else’s world and start standing in the freedom to rule your own.

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