Wednesday, March 21, 2012

God on Evolution

Genesis 1:24 & 27, “The God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures… Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image…”

I believe most accept evolution and never question how evolution and the Bible's version of creation work together. While on the extreme right evolution is dismissed in blind faith to the infallibility of the word of God. Does either side really look at what the Bible says?

Remember that God creates with words. Everything He says come to pass. When He says, “let there be light” there is light. And so as He continued in creation what is it God says? He says, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures…” God commands the earth to create living things. And the earth in response, by whatever mechanism… perhaps evolution brings about “everything that creeps.”

But where evolution fails is in the creation of man. Clearly there is a missing link in evolutions hypothesis about the origins of man. But God’s word is very clear. God created man Himself, and He did so using the base material of dust from the ground.

The point is that don’t let the hypothesis of evolution stand in the way of a true relationship with the Creator. For one, it is not a salvation issue to believe or not believe in evolution. Secondly, I image it will be in heaven that the exact mechanism of creation is revealed.

But if you’d like to explore the questions Science has not answered about creation and where the Bible’s version is supported by evidence then check out as a resource.

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