Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Seeing Clearly

Mark 8:25, “His eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.”

My thoughts, prayers, and devotional time continue to lead me to these thoughts on healing. More specifically… that somehow we / I need healing spiritually so much more than we could possibly need physical healing. The irony of these conversations with God is that my love coach, Jim Spivey, is in the process of an excessively long recovery from a head injury. He could very much use an instantaneous touch of God’s healing hand.

Jim is a man who I and many others rely on as a mentor; and as someone with clear spiritual vision. Unfortunately he is inaccessible having been largely incapacitated. Who can we go to for spiritual vision when our coach is out of the game?

The answer is clearly Christ Himself.

Jim quoted T Austin-Sparks in his blog this morning. T said, “Engaging in the realm of God is not going to result in a refined self, a reformed self, or any other kind of patching up and repairing self. It is going to result in ‘none of self,’ and all His Son.” And not only is engaging in the realm of God going to be with none of self, but I would ad that engaging in the realm of God is going to be without someone else holding your hand to get there.

Yes we all encounter spiritual guides. Some are blind guides leading the blind. Others are full of love and vision leading the sheep. But at the end of the day God purpose is that we would individually have spiritual sight. That we each have individual relationship with Him and consequently He will be forever removing and reintroducing those who we lean on excessively for sight.

Father, help me to see clearly. Help me to act in love on that vision.

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