Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Who is "Thou?"

Exodus 20: 4-26, “Thou shall not make for yourself an idol… Thou shall not take the Lord’s name in vain… Thou shall not murder… Thou shall not…”

Who is “Thou?” Here God gives the people of Israel what has been called the “10 Commandments.” But who is He talking to?

Consider this, everything God speaks is prophesy. In other words, everything God says comes to pass. When God says, “let there be light” there is light. If He were to say the sky is purple, then the sky would be purple. Therefore when God says, thou shall love the Lord thy God with all your heart… the thou in that sentence has no choice but to love God with all their heart. And yet we know that the people of Israel who heard these words from the mouth of God spoken out of a cloud did not love God with all their heart. They in fact, when left only a few days to their own demise created a golden calf to worship. Is God’s word not true? Is some things He speaks prophesy, and other things just wishful thinking and idle commands?

Like all of the Bible, Old & New Testament are all about Christ. Generations have missed this truth, but when God said, Thou shall not… the Thou He was talking to was Jesus. It is Christ and Christ alone who loved God with all His heart. It is Christ and Christ alone who did not murder or commit adultery in thought or deed. Christ alone is without lust and covetousness. And as a result these “Commandments” were not commandments at all. They were prophesy, the presentation of Christ even thousands of years before He came to earth in bodily form.

It is God saying… ‘Here is your standard found in My Son… Compare yourself to this.’ God says, ‘This person of Jesus Christ, in Whom He is welled pleased… this is your standard.’ And it’s a standard we will forever fail to meet while on earth in this body of death. But in relationship we are Christ like by proxy and adoption. And in relationship He comes into full view and those things in us that are not like Him begin to die and fall away.

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