Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Kingdom of God in a Word… Vision

Matthew 13:13-17, “Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. In their case the prophecy of Isaiah will be fulfilled… But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”

Jesus in saying in context of the passage that there is vision and hearing of the “word of the kingdom.” (v. 19) So for those who would like a description of what the gospel of the kingdom of God is, I would say vision. As God’s kingdom which is sown inside of you through salvation grows and displaces all those things not God; the one thing that happens is spiritual vision become clearer and clearer. The kingdom of God is seeing the murmuration created by the Father in concert with the Holy Spirit, at the direction of Christ, and the cooperation or coercions of people.

This vision allows the importance of today to shine a light on the insignificance of tomorrow. Our destiny is to be conformed to the image of Christ according to Romans 8. That is the long term plan, but each day is lived on purpose for the kingdom. Each day is filled with special awareness of God, and subtle and not so subtle acts of obedience; perhaps even conscious and unconscious obedience.

The vision of the kingdom sees God in the center, not the top as He is in everything and holds everything together. The vision of the kingdom of God sees no value in the kingdom of man or man’s plans. This same vision sees God moving and therefore trust God more and more.

There is no need for building something grand; there is no need of completing some work, or becoming some symbol of perfection. The kingdom of God is His, and the vision allows you to see the control He truly has. God does not sit on some throne giving orders, or have to trust man or angel to execute those orders. God is in everything. In Him we live, and move, and have our being. When you “see” the kingdom you see that He does not “need” us. But that we need Him, and what he calls us to do is there for our benefit, not, nor ever His... nor anyone else's beyond the mumuration.

The kingdom is individual responsibility and individual accountability to God. The vision of the kingdom is seeing God orchestrate all that individuality in murmuration like the brain causes muscle, bone, skin, blood, tendons, nerves and more to move in concert with each raise of the hand or step. The kingdom is the mysterious unseen force that uses all the parts to create the desired cumulative effect.

The vision of the kingdom is no longer wanting to be a cancer in that body of Christ or believers. The gospel of the kingdom is that we can all discover, and be our part, and stop resisting of fighting the movement of God. We can all be an image and reflection of Christ. We can all be in individual relationship with God.

The vision is seeing that others have intrinsic value. Something about mankind God loves. Something about every single individual of mankind God loves. The vision lets you see that God loves you. 

I have never explained a music selection with my post, but they all have meaning as they relate to the post. But this song for me says, you are not my king, and I am not yours. Seek the truth for yourself as I cannot save you. If you think God's kingdom is anything about you or me or any man being in charge of anything you are so sadly mistaken. The gospel of the kingdom of God is that He is in charge of it all. We do this together, arm in arm, equals. 

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