Friday, December 14, 2012

A Real Life Christmas Carol

Matthew 5:24, “leave your offering before the alter and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come present your offering.”

I was describing to my friend Jim Spivey the other day a reminiscing and repentance that had come upon me as of late. I told him that I don’t know if it all the deaths that are around me losing a brother-in-law, a friend, an uncle, an in-law in short order, or if now taking Lipitor has freed my blood up to release distant memories but that for the first time in my life I am looking back and seeing very clearly things that I did to people.

I am looking back and not seeing what was done to me like in the post Bullied, but seeing what I did to others and with the clear vision that I have to day I find it very sad, and it has led me to true repentance for so many ugly things. In fact I told Jim that I was going to create a blog that if anyone searches “I hate Jeff Yuna” that it would lead them to an apology page. So if this is you I’m talking to, I am sorry for ALL that I've done. And if you would like to contact me please feel free, and I will try to make amends.

But back to the story… it was at this point Jim said with a laugh, “sounds like you are living a real life Christmas Carol. First Scrooge is shown what made him like he was. Then he is shown what he did along the way. And then he is given an option for the future.”

And so as I reminisce may way through 40 or so of the past 47 years I choose to make the future a different place. I choose to not allow the past to shape my present. I choose to say I’m sorry and to seek forgiveness. And I choose to do better. I choose to follow Christ closer and to love people more.

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