Wednesday, May 9, 2012

First Love

1 John 4:19, “We love, because He first loved us.”

For the first time in a month of more I was able to attend my men’s group that has been aptly named Iwo Jima. And what a wonderful time it was, full of fodder for this blog. And by men’s group I don’t mean that it is exclusive of women, as from time to time we do have one in attendance.

Yesterday our token female was Michelle. She was there with her husband for only the beginning of the meeting, but just prior to her leaving she shared an experience she had years ago. She told this story of how a Pastor at a church she attended invited another minister in to give the staff and volunteers a “special word from God.” This special service took place on a Saturday at 9:00am and began with the preacher asking, “What does God appreciate most?”

Michelle thought that the whole exercise might be a waste of time as the man of God went through all the items like faith, obedience, sacrifice, and worship as NOT was God appreciated most. Oh for sure they are important to our spiritual work, but this man either by divine inspiration or man’s logic surmised that God most appreciates it when we recognize He loves us.

How powerful is that?

So many fail in this understanding. Some think God is there just waiting to drop the axe if we step even slightly out of line. Some believe He is disconnected from us completely. Still others grasp some objective love of God as a license to exalt themselves or as appointment as judge. But there is a pure childlike experience with the love of God. There is an experience of His love that is constant, motivating, humbling, and real. It is when we realize, or become aware, of God loving us then faith is made real. Faith that God will come through. Faith even in that love. When we know God loves us obedience is gladly accomplished. When we truly understand and know God’s love then worship is in spirit and truth… it comes from pure adoration and not from habit or fear based motivation.

Paramount in importance is that as John so poignantly notes, without a subjective understanding of God’s love (which come first) then we can’t love Him. “Because He loved us first…”

This is not some overly broad statement like God loving the world. God loved me first. God loves you first. Even if you have never in your life experienced the love of God, He loves you.

May His Holy Spirit make you aware of His love today.


  1. Thus my point Karen... there is a place with God that you have that "feeling" everyday. When we feel His love which is always there, we fall in love with Him for the first time, or all over again. An it is ALWAYS there. It is up to us to simply stop or slow down and connect with it.
