Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Proof is in the Pudding

Romans 5:3-5, “And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, know that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit…”

Funny how just a little time in prayer opens the heart, soul, and mind. Just this morning I was talking to the Father. On one hand thanking Him for how far He has brought me, and on the other hand wondering aloud why it is taking to long to get further. It was with the thought of taking long that the Holy Spirit spoke one word. “Proving”

Wouldn’t it be great if this thing called Christianity was simply an intellectual exercise? No need to live out a principle, just understand it. Wouldn’t it be awesome to know we can live with little naturally by the power of God - but never have to actually do it? Kind of the exact opposite of the prosperity message if you think about it.

I am rich but don’t have to live poor because I know I can… As opposed to I am poor but don’t have to live rich because I know I can.

I can tell you from experience that rich is a lot easier to live than poor. But of course I am not poor either, merely broke. Broke being the temporary absence of cash. Praise God that I am less broke today than yesterday.

I diverted… the point is God requires proof. Proof and proven character. Sometime that character is proven in trouble, some time that character is proven in blessings but either way it will be proven. It is this proof that creates hope. Waiting, and waiting, and waiting on the Lord… seeing the waves of destruction but them never actually destroying you is the place where we learn hope. Day after day in this near death experience that allows the character of Christ to come through. And when the storm is calmed the hope is made more perfect for the next tribulation.

And so the trials come, the character is proven like yeast in warm water. Hope is established and the love of God, the presence of the Savior is poured out in us.

And so after that love comes we are then able to “exult in our (next) tribulation” knowing that it is producing in us the love of God. Or as Paul would say, “producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison.” (2 Cor 4:17)

This is not a pipe dream. This weight of glory is not something for the future or poured out in heaven. This weight of glory is for today. It is inside of us.

And so we get to the proof is in the pudding. Which is an idiom shortened from the original phrase, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. And so too is the proof of Christianity… in the eating… or drinking. (Matt 20:23) The proof of Christianity is the tribulation.

As I picked a photo for this post I realized that eating pudding, particularly the younger and inexperienced you are can be a bit messy. But no matter how messy, how uncomfortable, in the end the experience is delicious. 

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