Thursday, May 17, 2012

God is Light

1 John 1:5, “This is the message we have heard from Him and announced to you, that God is light…”

Lately I have been fascinated with the Einstein’s theory of relativity. This is mainly because of some dreams I have had where I was asking God some questions about creation and the universe. In those dreams He showed me some things in response to the questions that I really don’t understand. It is those answers that have lead me to E=MC2.

Science has known for years the massive implications this formula has. Energy = Mass X Constant Squared. The Constant being the speed of light. Einstein realized that no matter how you measured the speed of light it was constant. So if you are at rest the speed of light is the measured to be the same as if you were moving a million miles an hour towards it.

Think about it. If a pitcher throws a ball from the mound it may register at 90 mph. But put him on a train moving 50 mph and have him throw the same pitch. Someone from the ground in front of the train would register it at 140 mph, whereas someone on the same train would measure it to be 90 mph. But with light this is different. It is the same regardless of position or movement. The only explanation for this is that the faster you go the slower time moves. So perhaps the constant is not only the speed of light, but the speed of time as well.

Going a little further science cannot fathom going faster than the speed of light. And yet this same formula says that we would not exists in the form of matter if we were not already exceeding the speed of light. Sitting at this desk I am moving at 18 miles/sec as the earth turns. And the universe is expanding at a rate greater than the speed of light. So according to this little formula of E=MC2 the earth, the stars, us… everything that has mass is energy that has and is exceeding the speed of light.

Perhaps this is why light has for its components photons. Photons exhibiting qualities of both particle and energy. Go faster and the energy is particle. Go slower and the particle is energy.

For God, being light there is no time. For God being light, nothing goes faster unless He says so. This is how He holds the universe together. This is how He created us Spirit/Soul/Body. Spirit being energy. Soul being consciousness. Body being mass.

“In Him we live and move and exist…” (Acts 17:28) God is light and in being such is time. And in being such is the creator. 

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