Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Best Way to Start Your Day

Matthew 7:11, “If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will you heavenly Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!

This morning I went and met with my Love/Life/Death Coach and dear friend Jim Spivey. We shared some fellowship with his friend Jason, had some wonderful conversation when Jim said something about a chiropractor and “we should go… but there’s not enough time.”

I stopped him and said we should go where?

“To Robert the chiropractor and get an adjustment, he’s just two miles up the road.” He replied.

I said, “That is a such a God thing.”

To which Jim immediately got up and said, “then we have time.”

Jim didn’t know it but for over a week I have been thinking and praying about how to get to a chiropractor that is reasonably priced and who doesn’t want to do a bunch of x-rays and stuff. Just a few weeks ago I was rear ended and last week I fell into a hole and my back and neck have been bothering my quite a bit. How incredible that God would put that thought into Jim’s spirit and that I would receive such a blessing this morning? Not only that, but the pain has been reflecting into my chest making me question whether I am having a heart attack like my brother-in-law. So not only did I have a conversation with one of my all-time conversationalists, but he allowed himself to be part of God giving me good things.

Interestingly enough, Robert identified all my ailments without a word from me. He in fact said, “you have a little issue at C3, probably causing congestion and snoring.” Wow… I hope the adjustment stopped the recently acquired snoring for my wife’s sake. That is still left to be seen. 

Point is this. God is out there loving us and giving us good daily. Sometimes He chooses to use a human hand or two to deliver it. So be receptive, be appreciative, and be available for Him to use you.

It all reminds me of a fanciful story I once heard. There was a Christian Evangelist who encountered a Buddhist monk. In this encounter the monk in deep meditation began to levitate. After this display the monk told the evangelists. Show me your God, and I will believe. The Evangelists was amiss. He had no idea what to do. Upon leaving the monk said, “Had you given me a glass of water I would have believed in your God, because I am thirsty.”

Again, notions come into our mind that seem random, nonsensical, or even inapplicable. Respond to these notions. It may very well be God through the Holy Spirit doing good and answering someone’s prayer.  

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