Thursday, August 30, 2012

Blinded by Greed

Luke 12:15, “The He said to them, ‘Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed, for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions.”

The context of what Jesus is speaking of here is that greed can cause us to lose sight that this life is not about possessions. In this instance one form of greed causes us to worry and not trust in God. (v.22-23) But there are many forms of greed that we have to be on guard against.

But why be “on guard” against greed? I think the answer is because Jesus knew that greed blinds us to the risk, and greed more often than not leads to loss and not gain. Greed causes us to not count the costs.

Greed leads to things like the stock tip that is too good to pass up. Greed has us invest in the "sure thing." Greed leads us to relationships that leave nothing but destruction in their path. Think about the many of examples where conmen prayed on someone’s greed only to rob them. Most notably Bernie Madoff who promised incredible return that were really nothing more than a Ponzi scheme.

If life is motivated by greed and about accumulating possessions, then there is the potential to loose or never gain site that life is about knowing and becoming more like Christ. Greed blinds to the fact that a few shekels could cost someone eternity. This is not to say we should go monastic and pledge our live to poverty, but it is to say we must constantly evaluate our motives. “The love of money” – greed is the root of all sorts of evil. And those evils bear consequences not just eternally but in the here and now.

If you want to avoid the blinder of greed ask yourself, what’s the down side? Everyone asks what can I gain? But how many ask what can I lose? What is the risk? If you are asking yourself about the down side, there is a pretty good indication the motivation is not greed. But if you are asking about the down side you should also be considering the eternal down side and not just the temporary down side. What can I loose is a very good question to take the blinders of greed off.

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