Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Character – Ed Kruger Style

Psalms 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.”

My last conversation with my Brother in law Ed Kruger was on Monday. I had called him to “fix” his life with a little advice. Little did I know he would provide for me a lesson on character.

You see “character” to me is that aspect deep within the soul that says who we are in the eyes of God. It is what He ultimately looks at. Character is that piece of us that God is constantly at work to transform into the image of Christ.

And so finding out that Ed could possibly be coming into a financial windfall from his accidental purchase of a rare surfboard I called him with a life plan. I told him that he should sell the surfboard and use the money as seed money to start buying and selling other things. He loves shopping for a deal at any pawn shop in his path, so I thought he could start going to storage auctions, in fact reference the show Storage Wars.

Ed’s reply shocked me, and as I reflect back it was a wonderful reminder of a Christ-like character deep within his soul.

Ed said, “I will have no part of taking someone’s life’s possessions for pennies just because they were so down on their luck they couldn’t pay a storage bill… and that show is all about people’s greed. I want no part of it.”

That’s character… Christ –like character in my book. 

1 comment:

  1. Jeff, I remember first meeting you when Ed brought you to Better Bodies Gym.
    Troy Smith and I have a lot of memories with Ed, and a lot of good times.
    Sorry to hear of his passing. I was actually told by another good mutual friend, Mark Goedicke.

    David Broyles
