Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Desires of Your Heart

Psalms 37:4, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”

I have a document I keep on my computer, and I call it the Desires of My Heart. I created because of the scripture referenced, but also because of Ephesians 3:20, which says, “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” As a result this list is full of things that I can think for, and that I have asked for.

There must be 100 items on it, and since 2008 when I wrote most of it about 21 items have been fulfilled. But I say this not to write some ask and receive message, but because I was reminded of it over the weekend.

I had gone to Wortham, Texas this past weekend to ride my horse and run my dog in an AKC field trial. There is a lot of time to ride, to watch, to think, to pray. I went alone so 10 hours was solitude spent in the truck. And believe it or not, I would have preferred my wife to have been able to come, but I am very comfortable alone like that. As I drove I passed some really nice ranches, and as I would pass the ranches I find myself wishing I had one. I would then think of the impossibility of it, and I would think of the expenses I couldn't afford even if I were given one. But then I remembered my list.

There is a ranch on that list, and my wonderings drifted to heaven… wondering if that item would ever truly be fulfilled I thought… God, did you read my list? Father, do you want me to have a ranch?

No sooner do I get lost in selfish prayer, and I am reminded that this whole experience on earth is temporary. I am reminded that we serve the God of the Universe and if He so desired could give me a ranch that comprised an entire planet. I was reminded that my assignment while still here is to know Him more. And I was reminded of a prayer… my ultimate wish if you will, and the greatest prayer I have ever prayed.

I prayed years ago, “Father please allow me to know Christ, and for Him to embrace me as a friend, and for Him to introduce me to You, and that you would embrace me as a son.” This I have experience over and over again. And this experience is better than any ranch, or thing could provide. Having experience God as Father, and having been embraced as a son whose eyes are being opened to His kingdom abiding in and around us I no longer pray that prayer. But rather I pray, “Father please allow me to know Christ as a brother and for You to embrace me as a favored son.”

That is the prayer He is at work answer in me every day of my life. Calling me to surrender, allowing me to share in infinitesimally small parts of Christ’s life. All the while cheering, and laughing, and rejoicing in every spiritual success… in every act of exact obedience. Never disappointed with the stumbles, but always there picking me up with a smile, smiling because I asked for it.

And with His expression of love the desire for a ranch fades into obscurity. Concerns about eternity and obtaining there find an equal fate. In the fellowship, in His love nothing else matters because the desires of my heart a pure and true. If only momentarily, that desire is to fellowship with Him. That is the desire of His heart, and for whatever reason He has allowed it to be the desire of mine.

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