Monday, October 29, 2012

Fakes, Frauds, & Liars

John 8:45, “But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me.”

Look around you. Fake Rolex's,  fake Gucci purses, fake personalities on fakebook. Are you single? Find a person dating online who actually looks like their picture, or is even within 5 years of the age when the photo was taken.

Do we post about who we want to be, or do we tell the world who we really are?

The candidates can debate, for Romneycare but opposed to Obamacare, no truth found in Benghazi or Fast & Furious and yet depending on the side of the isle you stand your candidate is Christ incarnate while the other is the devil. When in fact the truth does not exists in either. And so we vote on the lessor of two evils.

Corporations lie and conceal to make a buck. Individuals are no better. Did you really work 8 hours, or just get paid for it?

I love you means I want something. I care means there is something in this for me.

Do you really believe that crap you are spewing?

All around us are fakes, frauds, and liars. Worse... within us is a fake, a fraud, and a liar.

“Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? (Romans 7:24)

Father help me to know The Truth, help me to follow the truth, help me to admit the truth… that I am nothing more than a common sinner without Christ. 

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