Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Gospel Message

Matthew 4:23, “Jesus was going throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom…”

I believe that among Christians there is a great misunderstanding about what “the gospel” is. Most scholars, theologians, and even lay people know the term means “good news,” but what the good news is, is where the confusion comes in. Checking church doctrine across denominational lines you will find most Christian institutions define the gospel message as salvation through Christ. Oh they may get fancy with their descriptions and call it saved by faith through grace, or Jesus died for our sins. All of which is true, but that is NOT the gospel.

The gospel Jesus proclaimed is the kingdom of God is at hand. Salvation is an entrance to that kingdom, but salvation is not the good news Jesus came with.

Think about it. When Jesus sent the disciples out what did He tell them to say? Matthew 10 tells us it was, “And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew as a devout Jew would not say or write “God” so he substituted heaven, but the term kingdom of heaven and kingdom of God are one in the same.) Jesus did not say go and declare salvation through me. He did not say go and preach, ‘love one another.’ On the contrary He was very clear… “the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” It is close, it is here. That was Christ's message. His good news is the kingdom of God is at hand and you are about to have individual access to it.

Think about the parables. What were they about? They were about the “kingdom of God.” So many of them start the kingdom of God is like… Why? So that post salvation when you experience the kingdom you will have a reference. Jesus was saying this is what the experience is when you are in the kingdom of God.

Some might argue, and I use to even think that by Jesus saying the kingdom of God is at hand that He was referencing Himself. But I do not believe so anymore. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." These were references to the gates into Jerusalem, and He was saying, ‘I am the way into the kingdom of heaven.’ Even more, this kingdom of heaven, this good news was not about some experience post mortality. It is about today. "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven," was not a hope for tomorrow, but a command for today. An invitation to kingdom awareness. Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God coming upon us. He said that the kingdom has to be received and entered. Over and over and over He talks about the kingdom of God.

Yes Christ died for our sins and believing in Him is salvation by faith through grace. But it is most importantly the entrance to the kingdom of God. And the kingdom of God is that place of awareness of Him. It is awareness of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. From inside the kingdom the commandment of love flows out. Did you know that Jesus referenced the kingdom of God nearly 100 times more than He did love? Salvation is mentioned 100 times less that the kingdom as well. Power and miracles too, 100 times less than the kingdom. All of which are important. All of which are part of the Christian experience. But the gospel, the good news is that you have access to the kingdom of God today, right here, right now.

What it is, how it works, that part… it’s the mystery for you to discover. Just ask to enter, and see where your spiritual life goes. 

I can tell you this. The kingdom of God is not a republic, a democracy, or any other form of top down or bottom up organization concocted by man. The kingdom of God is a center out organism. It is God is, and everything else exists in Him and because of Him. His kingdom boundary is where He ends, as if He had an end, which He does not. To be in His kingdom is to be in Him, and to know you are in Him, and He is in you. It is the place where your soul is at home.

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