Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Living the Miracle

Matthew 8:24, “And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being covered with the waves; but Jesus Himself was asleep.”

The involvement that God chooses to take in my mundane and ordinary life continues to blow me away. Sure there are the lessons of character that come simultaneously from multiple directions. Often described as those moments when a Pastor seems to be reading your mail, or every teaching and every saint says the same thing all at once.

But I am talking about coming into this place where I am for the first time in my life truly gaining new perspective. I hope, and trust… no… know that it is His perspective. The perspective that “God causes ALL things to work together for good for those who love Him.” (Rom 8:28) Not that God answers all my prayers, because thank Him He does not. Not that there is a “solution” to ever problem, because “my solutions” can’t solve a thing. But that there is a peace in the midst of the storm. There is a knowing that where I am is where He is and where He is -- is glorious. I am beginning to taste the place where circumstances mean nothing and His presence in those circumstances is everything. 

The success in this is the silence. The success is the absence of worry. And in the absence of worry is the absence of complaining. And in the absence of complaining there is room for joy and peace. And in the joy and peace there is obedience. There is the ability, and even the command to sleep in the storm. In this trust of God there is the ability to walk on water should He call. 

Life may not be comfortable to my flesh, but living the miracle is that living water Christ spoke of. Growing in trust for Him, growing in faith that He is at work executing good plans for you and for me is refreshing. It inspires. It comforts. 

Stop living the dream and start living the miracle with me. Expecting God to involve Himself in your life. Expecting Christ to be revealed. Expecting to know Him more today than yesterday and more tomorrow than today. 

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