Thursday, October 18, 2012

Show me...

Mark 8:17-19, “And Jesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why do you discuss the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet see or understand? Do you have a hardened heart? ‘Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear?’ And do you not remember, when I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many large baskets full of broken pieces did you pick up?”

I had one of these moments with God yesterday where I was just like the disciples, looking at a problem and wondering how "I" can solve it. As always the problem and the area that God uses most to show me my own lack of faith in Him is money. 

As I look ahead to next month, work my spreadsheets, plan financially for an ever varying income I see clearly that November has a 99% chance of coming up short, and this gives me great anxiety. And even though that God has time and time and time and time again proven He has a plan. Even though coming up short has never been coming up destitute I still worry, fret, and become fearful and selfish in my prayers. Yesterday being no different. 

As I drove home, I was in my mind showing God my spreadsheet. It was then it hit me what to pray. I prayed, “God I know that you know what I know… but I need to know what you know. Show me your plan. Show me your provision. Just plain show me you.”

And that is what it is really about. Seeing Christ in the situation. Is He asleep in the storm? Is He asking for me to ask Him for another miracle like the breaking of the bread and the feeding of the 5000? I need to see what He is doing in the situation. 

And this lesson was driven home this morning in one of my nameless men’s gatherings. Jim shared how a challenge with an individual made him need to see what Christ was doing in the situation. In the natural Jim wanted to slice and dice his verbal assailant, but in an act of emulating Christ the assailant was brought to tears of remorse in the midst of true love. Another individual sees this same test to see Christ in action with his mother. Another Pastor repeatedly experiences this same need to “see” with his church. And then Jason described us all. He said, “Once you see the train of God’s glory pass by you, you will spend the rest of your life trying to see more.” Once you see God move in a situation then we long to see Him move in every situation. 

And that is where I am today. Needing to see more of the train of His glory, needing to see His face, needing to see His perspective and plan. Show me Your face Lord. There, looking into His face I will see clearly. 

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