Thursday, October 4, 2012


Psalms 118:24, “This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

I have a friend reliving what seems like my life from the past. He is a victim of an adultery that evaporated 25+ years of marriage, separating him from two boys he loves very much, leaving him very much stuck in the depression phase of grief; all in the midst of an economic down turn. As a fellow mortgage loan officer, I know all too well that business is hard enough to come by, and almost impossible when your head is not in the game – consumed with near homelessness, too broke to eat let alone entertain his children on their visitation, his mind swirls every down ward, and his brain has convinced him he is the turd about to disappear in the toilet bowl of life.

I give him tough love. I give him unwanted and probably bad advice. I hurt for him tremendously, and am very concerned. He has no family able to help. His father is dead, his mother is in a “retirement” home, and his sister has disowned him. But God.

To my friend and to everyone hurting from past or present this is what the Lord says, “This is the day the Lord has made…” Today God made especially for you. He has a plan and a purpose for your life and that plan is for good. Today He wants to bless you, not with money but with Him and His presence. Today He wants to meet you in your tasks. If you are like my friend and I, today He wants to meet you doing mortgages. But no matter your job God wants to meet you while you do your eight hours. Work as if He’s watching, and you will find out that… He is watching, and even working beside you.

Stop worrying about tomorrow. Today the Lord made. I don’t care if today you are finalizing a divorce in court, I don’t care if you have lost child, parent, or spouse, or job, or innocence. Today the Lord has made, and He made it to first and foremost experience His presence in it, and secondly to work for your good, to work in conforming you soul to the character of Christ. Jump in and grab a big bite of today with this on your heart. Today… TODAY… TODAY the Lord has made. He cares, and He is there waiting for you to simply be aware.

And if you are worried about tomorrow, don’t. Because tomorrow is also Today, and the Lord made it too. 

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