Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Finding the Presence of God

Matthew 28:20, “… I am WITH YOU ALWAYS, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”

Luke 17:21, “… For behold the kingdom of God is in your midst. (Lit. inside you)”

One thing is very true, that every time Christians gather, whether in church, a prayer meeting, bible study, or even in groups I attend like Love Machine and Iwo Jima… Christ is in the midst. He is in and among those gathered in His name. If you cannot sense that presence then it is your awareness of it that is at issue, not that He is not there.

Just as Christ is in the midst of groups that gather in His name, He also promises that He is with us always individually. He promises that He is inside us according to Luke. And so once again, if you have no sense of His presence and are a Christian then the problem is your awareness.

What is keeping you from being aware of the presence of God? Has society keep you from this awareness. Have you a self-imposed excommunication because of sin in your life? Has someone taught you the presence is only available in a particular church, if you follow particular rules, pray particular prayers endlessly, engage in a particular style of worship? Have you been taught that if you will... (fill in the blank) then God will?

I am here to tell you that if you are in Christ He is in your midst. His presence is inside you, and if you want to experience life changing power, peace, joy, and understanding then stop and connect to that presence. Call out for Him to reveal Himself to you, and then wait for His unmistakable presence. Shut down your agenda, quite your request, quell your fears and ask to meet Him. Stop thinking, stop reasoning, stop speaking… find that place where all you want is Him, and He will show up in a miraculous way. Not at church, not in a group, but with you as an individual in your car, at your job, in your prayer closet, in the yard, or shower, or closet, or anywhere you truly ask to connect, for He is there and with you ALWAYS.

Try it today in Jesus name. 

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