Thursday, February 21, 2013

Our Plans

Beethoven by Oswald Chambers

Proverbs 16:9, “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.”

This came from an Oswald Chambers Facebook post. Oswald Chambers is one of my favorite Christian preachers/writers from the past. The post said, “Oswald Chambers originally wanted to be an artist. (This) is a charcoal sketch he did of Ludwig Von Beethoven. How different things would have been if he followed his own man-made plans!”
The apostle Paul penned two thirds of the New Testament from a prison cell. I have often wondered if Paul would have needed to be imprisoned if he had been writing all along, rather than relying on a visit and the spoken word.

For me this is so encouraging. That we can plan, and yet God will order the steps, God will cause all things to work together for good. Oswald Chambers died in 1917, and his writings are still read to this day by thousands. I wonder aloud if my writing will be read 100 years from now.

Funny… I thought I would be preaching, and doing so many completely different things with my life. This is so much more satisfying… to make plans, but be open to the relationship with Christ that determines my steps. Lead on Jesus… lead on.  

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