Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Notice the Resemblance?

Matthew 25:40, “The King (Jesus) will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’”

My mom made a comment to me about Robert Franklin. She said, “Hardly knew Robert yet I have thought of him often since first meeting him on your blog...   Who knows Jeff, Robert could have really been Jesus.”   

What a truth we should all grab hold of concerning everyone. Robert for so many of us was Jesus, and if not in occasional instance a true embodiment of Him, at the very least Christ calls him a brother, and all the kindness shown Robert; Jesus says, it was done to Him. What wonderful opportunities people present.

The thoughts, the conversations with God make me question my motivations. Why are the people that are around me in my life? Am I taking from them? Am I the brother whom it is being done to? Or am I recognizing Christ and serving them, and in doing so doing unto Him.

Am I only able to see Christ in the down trodden? Do I only see Jesus in my mentors and leaders?

It is one thing to show kindness to whom kindness is due, it’s another thing to show kindness to those who life has kicked in their teeth. And still another thing to show kindness hoping to induce some return act or favor. But do we ever feel that draw of Christ inside someone, pulling us to do until Him? Is our motivation ever to serve Christ as we serve the least? And not serve expecting anything in return, but serving Him because He is Who He is?

Are we as touched to act for Christ for our neighbors as we are for those far off in third world countries? Or is it easier to send money to or visit temporarily the stranger far off? Are the least simply socio- or economically challenged? Are they only widows and orphans, or ill… mentally or physically? Or can the least me a co-worker, a spouse, a parent… a child? Are the least always strangers passing through, or do they come into and linger in our lives?

I truly want to learn to see Jesus in all those who are in Christ. I want to see into your soul like I saw into Roberts. I want to feel that assurance of kindness reaching all the way to heaven in every interaction with mankind.

Too much to ask?

I think not.

Do I have a long way to go?

I lifetime of journey left.

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