Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Good Samaritan

Luke 10: 33-34, “But a Samaritan, who was on a journey, came upon him; and when he saw him, he felt compassion, and came to him and… took care of him.”

I just wanted to honor my friend Gary today for his complete act of kindness yesterday. Like the Jewish man in Luke 10 I did fall among robbers yesterday, and though they did not beat me like in the story of the Good Samaritan they did tow my car off to their den of thieves and held it hostage for $218.30. Hardly justice in my book for $5.00 worth of parking that a broken machine would not accept.

And so I found myself after dark in downtown Houston without transportation, or any cash. I seethed with anger as the tow truck driver relished in his accomplishment. And yes he was there, freely admitting to towing my car as he gladly hooked up another one. What was I going to do?

Rolling through my mind was thoughts of firebombing the storage lot. I wanted to curse the tow truck driver with some horrific, painful, slow, agonizing death. Doesn’t he know my family is 45 miles away, and rescue seems unimaginably long on my empty stomach?

And so I cried out to God. Give me wisdom for the situation. Instantly Jim pops into mind and I try to call him… no answer. Then Shaun… no answer. Then Gary… poor guy took my call.

I describe my predicament and he relays his… he’s on a date with his wife. Thank you Mona for allowing your husband to come rescue me in the midst of your date night. They agreed to pause the date & the movie in the DVD player and Gary came to get me.

The story should end there, but arriving at hell’s satellite location, Satan’s spawn did not accept my proof of ownership or form of payment. Now Gary would have to call his wife again… this time to blow out the candles; forget the movie because he was bringing me home to print off an insurance card and valid proof of ownership. On top of that he was also going to front me the cash to get my car out of hock.

In the end I got my car, made it home by 10:00pm for some delicious pot roast, and got to spend some unscheduled time with a friend I love dearly. I am so blessed that God has surrounded me with such wonderful people who truly live this thing we call Christianity.

Thank you Gary for being Christ last night.

And yes the music selection is the same 3 days in a row. I cannot get it out of my brain, and on top of that is the theme of my message I have the pleasure of ministering on 01.27.12.

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