Monday, January 30, 2012


Acts 2:45, “and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need.”

I had the pleasure of being invited to minister to a group of about 30 young adults on Friday night. The evening started with a time of food and fellowship. As we were about to bless the food a woman named Francois walked in and shared her predicament with one the leaders. From there we as a group were given the opportunity to bless her financially. Seems her and her family were staying around the corner at a hotel, having been evicted from their apartment days before.

Her husband was out of work, her 2 boys were teenagers and in school. They were walking the feeder of the freeway wondering how the hotel would be paid for the coming nights. As she was praying for provision  Francois said that the Lord spoke to her spirit. He said to her, encourage. She said, “yes Lord, I am encouraged.”

She didn’t even realize they were walking past Encourager the church until her husband pointed it out. And so, at the prompting of God she comes in to beg a little bread, or more truthfully a couple of nights rent.

For me, Jesus walked in the room. How could I refuse to give Christ some cash so that He would have a place to lay His head? Other’s felt the same way and it was a beautiful expression of sharing with a family in need. The entire family stayed, enjoyed some hot dogs and cake, and stayed for the service.

What a pleasure to see so many reach out to them with works, and with prayers. Perfect strangers perfectly loved by the group. Seen for who they were, reflections of Christ, brought into our gathering so that we could be reflections of Christ back.

They didn’t smell nice, they were not dressed nice, but their smiles filled the room with joy, and deserving of every hug given them. I dare say a one did not fail to recognize the time of our visitation. (Luke 19:44)

Adding to the evening, the young adults group is called IMPACT. On this evening the impact was on all of us.

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