Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Power to Choose in the Game of Life

Deuteronomy 30:19, “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants.”

I write a lot about living in the present, practicing the presence of God, and the importance of not worrying about tomorrow because God is in control. This subject matter when viewed singularly can lead some to believe that perhaps I practice a philosophy of divine destiny. Without further explanation it might negate the place of free will and our choices in life. So let me explain with visualization how God’s absolute control works in conjunction with our free will.

Consider a chess master. Here is an individual capable of moving his piece while simultaneous considering his opponents possible moves and reactions dozens of moves ahead. He does not know how his opponent will exercise his free will in moving his pieces, but he able to consider the choices and plan his moves accordingly.

Now consider the world as we know it as a game of chess. Instead of the game board being 8 x 8, imagine a game board 2,000,000,000,000 x 2,000,000,000,000. Not only is it two dimensionally 2BB x 2BB but it has a 3rd dimension that is also 2BB. Not only is the game board 6 billion cubic spaces, but it is growing and expanding outward at the same time. This is the game of life that God is the Master of. He moves within this infinitely large rubix cube to work everything together for good.

Our part is to either continue to move through the game selfishly taking steps motivated only by our own carnal needs, or to move in unison with the heart and thought of God. This is our choice, this is our free will. Do we continue to do everything from self, or do we become aware that God is in everything and every decision, and do we line up in obedience with His will?

Do you see the importance of practicing His presence? Can you see how being aware of God and His kingdom 24/7 is of benefit?

Today the homeless man on the street corner is a choice to obey God, or not. That co-worker and the interaction is an opportunity to obey God or not. And the obedience is simple, and often times contained within our soul in the form of surrender never requiring a physical act at all. The choice can be as little as will you smile, or will you frown. Or perhaps will you stand for truth, or what makes your life the easiest.

God is going to move to work all our decisions for good. But that good is defined by, and for His benefit.

In the end, tomorrow is just another opportunity to obey today. And obedience comes in the awareness of practicing His presence wherever you are.

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