Monday, January 16, 2012

Private Tutor

John 14:26, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”

What did we ever do before search engines, bibles, bible studies, exhaustive concordances and church services? How about this tidbit… the whole of two different apostles’ relationships to Christ are found in one letter written by each. Was it their lack of the materials and resources we have today which left us with such a small written record? Or did God know what He was doing in giving us the minimalistic Gnostic material?

All these tools are wonderful, but I wonder how much technology has interfered with the Father’s original intention of relationship. “He (the Holy Spirit) will teach you all things…” face to face, in person, in relationship the Holy Spirit is there to teach us everything. And not only does He teach, but He brings to remembrance. The Holy Spirit not only educates, but helps with the test as well. How cool is that?

This is not to in any way intended to be an encouragement to forsake any of the biblical resources that we have. But it should take some pressure off knowing that if we have taken it in, then the Holy Spirit is there to help us remember and regurgitate when He deems it needed.

In fact this scripture has impacted my life to the degree that I no longer underline or put notes in my bible. I found that having been through the bible several times I would only read what I underlined, and my notes would sometimes keep me from seeing new revelation within an old scripture. So now I read without distraction and with the expectation that the Holy Spirit has something to say and teach me today. Having been in this thing called Christianity for three decades I can say that more often than not, the Holy Spirit teaches me something and follows it up with scripture, as opposed to reading and scripture and then being taught.

There is an old saying that is very applicable here. It goes… it’s not what you know, but Who you know. I will take knowing Him over knowing about Him any day of the week. I love my Private Tutor, and He is with me everywhere I go. 

That said, today’s music selection is unrelated. I just discovered the song and love it. So listen, and be part of the spirit of God it projects. 

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