Monday, November 5, 2012

Cats and Dogs

2 Peter 2:18, “For speaking out arrogant words of vanity they entice by fleshly desires, by sensuality, those who barely escape from the ones who live in error, promising them freedom while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved.”

When I went to ministry school years ago are first assignment was to prove the doctrine of once saved – always saved. Our second assignment was to prove the doctrine of salvation can be lost. The point was that the bible can be used to “prove” a lot of things. But are we open to the truth, or are we enslaved by our own corruptions?

This will post 1 day before the 2012 Presidential elections in the US, and this is a year of the 47%. There is 47% of the US population that will absolutely without equivocation vote for Barack Obama. What is not said in on the other side of the coin there is another 47% that will absolutely vote for Mitt Romney. My question is that in a country that is eighty plus percentage Christian how can the vote be divided like that?

The reason is we as a nation our slaves to corruption.

The Republican Party panders to groups like big pharma and banks while it opposes other groups like lawyers and unions. The Democrats pander to unions and lawyers and oppose big pharma and banks. While reality is they are all addicted to power. Republicans claim to support small government, and yet even Reagan did not shrink the size of government. Democrats claim to have a monopoly on supporting civil rights for minorities, and yet spend millions supporting the killing of millions of black babies through abortion. They are all liars. And we with our own individual corruptions vote for what will benefit us the most. We vote for lower taxes, or we vote for more government handouts. All the while the super-rich support both sides, or better yet the winner so that the profit of their interest is not regulated out of existence.

Even worse and more offensive are the people who vote just because they are a cat or a dog. Cats vote for cats and dogs vote for dogs and the two shall never agree. Ridiculousness.

Preachers openly support different candidates. Why? Is it the corruption of a few more butts in their seats, which means a few more dollars in the offering? Just today I saw an article that said, "Jesus was a liberal." First of all, Jesus never "was." Jesus is. Secondly Jesus is neither Liberal, or Conservative. He is not in support of Republican or Democrat. He IS the Son of God and is far above political party. Christ is the King of Liberty. He came to set us free.

The government has not given us additional freedom in my lifetime, but they have promised it. Christ on the other hand has delivered the ultimate in freedom. Freedom from sin and death. This year I am voting for 
Christ. Beyond that, I pray He will show me who to vote from on November 6th. Take a novel approach. Don’t assume who is best for the country from your own perspective. Ask God to show you who is best from His.

This political ad is paid for by no one and supports no one. I’m Jeff Yuna and I approve this message. 

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