Thursday, November 1, 2012

What Goes In Must Come Out

John 14:26, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”

This passage of scripture has unburdened my need to study and/or memorize scripture. In a large sense it has relieved me of any responsibility to be “prepared” with something in ministry, or even everyday interaction.  This is because Jesus promised us that the Holy Spirit will remind us of what we have been taught. Add to this what He said in Matthew 10:19, “But when they hand you over, do not worry about how or what you are to say; for it will be given you in that hour what you are to say.”

The Helper is there in the moment, in every moment if we will allow Him. The only responsibility we have, if at all, is to put into us the word of God. In fact, for me this wanting God to be able to “remind” me of what He has taught led me to reading the bible cover to cover several times; starting at Genesis and going to Revelation. Today most of the Bible I read is from online versions, and instead of random selections I normally read to get the context of scriptures I am “reminded” of. Or I will read passages that some other person presents, even casually, into my life. But every day I read something. 

On my daily reading list is Jim Spivey. He is my friend, my mentor, and fellow compatriot of Christ. His blog is available at and is usually updated daily.

I also read Oswald Chamber every day. I use Google Chrome, and have him in my today’s links as well.

I receive a daily e-mail from the Henry Nouwen Society. Henri was a catholic priest and given that background I am often confounded how his words smash the stereotype of a priest in my mind.

Finally I read daily something from T. Austin Sparks. All of his works are available on line, and he is my far my favorite Christian author from the past. His daily devotional is available here.

So now if you are a regular follower of the blog, you can see some of the source of what comes out of me. Regardless, what goes in must come out. I hope this helps others practice putting good stuff in.

‎"The longer we live, and the more we know, the more we shall be made aware of how little we do know, and how vast this Christ is." - T. Austin-Sparks

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