Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Seeing the Future

Jeremiah 29:11, “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not calamity to give you a future and a hope.’”

Did you know that there are 16000 + Bible based religions or sects registered with the IRS? And of those 16000 different “denominations” though most consider themselves non-denominational, there is a part that are often referred to as Evangelical or Full Gospel. And within this subset of Christianity there are those that believe in prophesy and the prophetic.

Now before the blog appears to bash that group I will say that I do believe there are “Prophets” alive on the earth today because it is scriptural. I believe in prophecy because the New Testament calls it a spiritual gift. But I do not believe that God intends us to know the future in any great detail other than He “causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him.” (Romans 8:28)

Why do we want to know the future? Would it helps us to trust God more? Would it help us through the challenges of today? And if we knew it, would we continue towards it, particularly if that future included tragedy in any of its many forms?

Why is it when a “prophet” give an individual a “prophecy” it is always something good? Did you know I have several prophecies that I have been given written down and collected? All wonderful about how blessed I will be. (and I am, but not as they predicted) Prophecies of a great ministry. (Which I have, but not any form forecasted). Am I blind to the outcomes? Were the “prophets” wrong? It there still those to be fulfilled?

Truthfully I really don’t care. Because I understand that right here, right now, God is saying today, and every day of my life ‘Trust Me… Have faith in Me.” I cannot see if my next loan will close tomorrow. I cannot see if next month I will have enough money for the bills. I cannot see how long I will live, or what my quality of life will be in the future. I cannot see tomorrow. And I am trying so desperately to stop looking because is always looking at tomorrow I miss the beauty of today.

All my life I have strived. My mantra is work hard, make money, take care of my family… and in so much of that striving I missed so much joy. I have children from the ages of 30 to 8. With each generation my attention I hope improved. And today with my eight year old I am fascinated that he has a taste in music. I marvel at the new things he learns. Not because I love him any more than the others, but because I am learning to enjoy today. Little by little it is becoming more about today and not how can he be educated to go to the best college to get the best job. No today is about what joy can the experience bring to my life. God has all my children’s futures mapped for their good. How can I as a parent join them in that journey, as a witness? How can I draw out and foster their God given talents, and help them not discover God’s plan for their life, but walk daily in His presence?

How can I stop looking for God’s "plan" in my own life? He is not going to tell me it, other than it is good. Isn't that what scripture teaches us, that God knows the plans He has? He did not say, 'let me show you the plans I have,' and yet we keep looking instead of trusting. Today I want to stop looking at tomorrow, because tomorrow is a mystery. Today is the present. Today, though the challenges look like they are going to screw tomorrow up… they are not because God is in control. (Have faith, I tell myself) God is executing His plan perfectly for my good, and as Romans tells us, for all those who love Him. 

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