Thursday, November 8, 2012

Grown Ass Man

1 Corinthians 13:11, “When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.”

I can often take responsibilities for others behavior, or make excuses for them. My tendency is to want to rescue or advise people in order to help them find peace and happiness. All very noble, but someone that loves me very much caught me the other day in this taking blame and said, “He is making his own decisions. He is a grown ass man, and it is not your fault or responsibility.”

I will add to that… I’m a grown ass man, and am choosing to no longer accept responsibility for someone else’s decisions short of my 8 year old. I will still accept responsibility for him for a few more years.

So to all the men out there above 18 years of age reading this blog… grow up… you’re a grown ass man, and it’s time you own the decisions you make. Your mommy and daddy are not responsible for what you do. The school bully did not make you this way. Circumstances of the past do not dictate the actions of today.

To the women over 18… you’re a grown ass woman, and no one but yourself and your choices are causing you to behave that way. Sorry your childhood was not perfect, but it time to stop allowing the past to hold you hostage today. That boy did not ruin your life. Those girls did not make you insecure. Your choices today shape today, and they are yours and yours alone.

All of which is an epic spiritual journey because in the end those “wrong” choices we make are because we are spiritual children, reasoning with childish reason. But when we become men and women we do away with those childish things. God knew what you were, are, and will go through; and in it all has a plan for your redemption and conformity to Christ. Find that acceptance and move on with Him. 

To the grown ass men and women in my life... I will always love you, but don’t expect me to come running when you want to play in traffic, or jump off buildings, or party like a rock star, or waste your life doing nothing. You are a grown ass man or woman and should know better. I am a grown ass man, and not responsible for your choices. Those are between you and God. Work it out with Him… that’s really what He wants anyway. And trust me... Him and I are working out a lot of bad decisions, and choices I have made, and it is a painful yet wonderful experience. 

Finally I wonder how many of us look spiritually to God like the guy in the photo. It's pretty ridiculous when you think about it. 

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