Friday, November 30, 2012

The Gospel of the Kingdom

Luke 16:16, “The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John; since that time the gospel of the kingdom of God has been preached…”

If I have a calling in life as a minister it is to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom of God. And yet to the modern church, even though this was Christ message, the good news of the kingdom of God is largely a vague term in modern Christianity. Perhaps it is because understanding the kingdom of God is preceded by the cross, and the cross is nothing less than complete surrender of our life to Christ. All of which sounds painful and full of suffering; and to share that with Christ is completely contrary to everything in us that is human.

I suppose it is natural to want the gospel of the kingdom to be about position, power, influence, and comfort. But it is more about equality, powerless without Christ, being influenced by the Holy Spirit, and peace far and above over comfort of circumstance.

People that enter into the kingdom of God – a part of Christian life here and now – are well acquainted with surrender. They are in constant relationship with Christ and an ever increasing awareness of that. They are increasing in faith daily as they not only understand but live knowing God is in control. Richard Rohr describes these people as possessing a “calm freedom and synchronized playfulness.” Kingdom people live in the moment and the day alert and aware of God moving, hoping to jump or move at His command. These same people have no agenda other than God’s. No plans that He cannot interrupt. Their life may look “normal” or it may look “out there” but for certain when you encounter them they will unconsciously impact your life. They live not for glory, or a pat on the back, but they live for Christ and that relationship. I could continue, but the ultimate summation is that kingdom people look and act more and more like Christ every day.

And so here is the good news of the kingdom of God. It is here and available to you right now. Want to live in the fruit of the Holy Spirit and not just occasionally experience it? The beginning is surrender. Surrender your plans, your dreams, your desires, your will, all of you to Christ. Ask to see His kingdom. Ask to experience His kingdom. Ask to know the truth. Or as many have prayed before, simply “Have your will Lord.” Thy will be done. From that moment on you will be asked, compelled and brought to surrender.

Some might ask, what is going on? Why is my life in this turmoil? It is God requiring your surrender. I asked God to be Lord of my life and now this storm… why? Because He requires that you learn to sleep in the storms before you will ever speak to them and still them. Surrender is total trust in God. TOTAL trust… nothing less. And everywhere you do not trust in God a crisis of faith will occur to show you this place. And with each increase in faith the kingdom becomes clearer and clearer until you reach a point in this surrender through the crisis of faith process that you almost welcome the next crisis because you know behind it is clear spiritual vision, a clearer view of the kingdom of God, and a new closeness to God.

That is the good news of the kingdom of God.  

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