Friday, February 22, 2013

Growing in Christ

2 Peter 1:7-8, “…and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true (subjective) knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

My third book that may or may not be published is called Growing in Christ and it is based on the entire first chapter of 2 Peter. Largely it talks the “qualities” that build upon one another until there is a sufficient base to support true selfless, unconditional love. If you read 2 Peter you will see that the very first thing we must have, the very first thing that must increase is faith. (v5)

Today through Jim Spivey, who through his friend Kathy Escobar’s blog, who through Janet Hagberg & Robert Guelich’s book Critical Journey showed me a completely independent confirmation of what I have been writing. What Hagberg and Guelich call stages of faith, I in my book call crisis of faith. Please look at the link for the Stages ofFaith Chart. Compare it to 2 Peter 1 and you will see very much that the qualities of moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, and perseverance that Peter writes about are very much pillars of faith in Stages 1 -3.

The spiritual movement of perseverance to godliness is very much the "wall" Kathy speaks of, and this wall is very much the very thing Christ spoke of when He said, “… the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent men take it by force.” (Matt 11:12) To clear the wall there is a violent action within between self and spirit. But over the wall the believer comes in contact with the kingdom of God and Christ inside him. As you read Kathy’s chart this quality of godliness gained by breaking through the wall is very much Stage 4.

And then Peter says godliness supplies, contributes to, is a foundation for brotherly kindness. Stage 5… “the journey outward.”

Finally that we would have sufficient qualities to supply the love Peter writes about. Agape love, the of Christ… Stage 6.

I stand amazed at the murmuration, the clarification, the explanation, and the truth in it all. Father help me to keep growing in Christ. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Our Plans

Beethoven by Oswald Chambers

Proverbs 16:9, “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.”

This came from an Oswald Chambers Facebook post. Oswald Chambers is one of my favorite Christian preachers/writers from the past. The post said, “Oswald Chambers originally wanted to be an artist. (This) is a charcoal sketch he did of Ludwig Von Beethoven. How different things would have been if he followed his own man-made plans!”
The apostle Paul penned two thirds of the New Testament from a prison cell. I have often wondered if Paul would have needed to be imprisoned if he had been writing all along, rather than relying on a visit and the spoken word.

For me this is so encouraging. That we can plan, and yet God will order the steps, God will cause all things to work together for good. Oswald Chambers died in 1917, and his writings are still read to this day by thousands. I wonder aloud if my writing will be read 100 years from now.

Funny… I thought I would be preaching, and doing so many completely different things with my life. This is so much more satisfying… to make plans, but be open to the relationship with Christ that determines my steps. Lead on Jesus… lead on.  

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Matthew 5:16, “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”

Something happens when we come into relationship with God. Somehow His overwhelming love in those encounters makes us feel uniquely special. Truth coming from Him seems so earth shaking. We response excitedly with why hasn’t someone taught this, or why hasn’t someone seen this before? What is genuine and good mixes with what is contaminated and wrongly motivated and the results are preaching and teaching and planning and doing. God must have shown me my unique beauty so that I can help save the world. God must be showing me this truth so that I can proclaim it on the roof tops, so that I can be the expert.

No… God has loved us, and shown us truth so that we can burn.

Candles give light by burning wax. Lamps give light by burning oil. Light bulbs give light by burning a filament. The sun gives light by burning hydrogen. If our light is to shine, it is to necessitate some form of burning.

Some times that burning is to sit in silence waiting for God (not you) to reveal a truth to someone. It’s so hard not to play God…

It’s so hard not to apply the truth for your life to someone else’s life, and the closer they are in the flesh the harder it is to remain silent… burning inside… living the example rather than preaching something unpracticed.

Jesus said, “What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light, and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops.” But what is He whispering? Has He whispered a judgment? I think not. Has He whispered a doctrine? Has He whispered to go and create an institution? Doubtful.

But I do know He whispers that He loves me. He whispers truth that builds our relationship in whatever circumstance exists for me in the moment. In darkness He speaks so that when I am in the light, in the middle of the burning, or in the middle of others burning… that I have words and more importantly good works that are a demonstration of the Father’s love.

And so we are called to be… to be a light radiating God’s love, burning in the fight against the flesh to own a truth that is not ours. Burning against the pride of life that tries to exalt self in God’s presence rather than be humbled at His magnificence, mercy, and grace.

T Austin Sparks wrote, “What we have to do is to live in the place of His appointment in the power of His resurrection.” God appoints where the light goes, and in being burned down His power resurrects. In burning Christ’ resurrection power comes through. He goes on to say, “if, in the midst of others, the Lord can get but two of His children, in whom His Life (Resurrection Life) is full and free, to live on the basis of that Life, and not to seek to gather others to themselves or to get them to congregate together on the basis of their acceptance of certain truths or teaching, but simply to witness to what Christ means and is to them, then He has an open way…”

We burn that Christ might resurrect in His power, giving light by example, without agenda, without goals, but in daily obedience to what God has given us.

How much easier it would be to plan to save the world? How much more painless would it be to create a helpful organization? Wouldn’t it be great if those we love could simple learn from our experience?

Unfortunately being in relationship to God is wholly subjective, and must be learned and lived by the individual; otherwise it would not be a relationship at all. We simply need to continue to burn, to give off life, and to be a safe haven as Jim Spivey said this morning to those who come to the light looking for just that. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Notice the Resemblance?

Matthew 25:40, “The King (Jesus) will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’”

My mom made a comment to me about Robert Franklin. She said, “Hardly knew Robert yet I have thought of him often since first meeting him on your blog...   Who knows Jeff, Robert could have really been Jesus.”   

What a truth we should all grab hold of concerning everyone. Robert for so many of us was Jesus, and if not in occasional instance a true embodiment of Him, at the very least Christ calls him a brother, and all the kindness shown Robert; Jesus says, it was done to Him. What wonderful opportunities people present.

The thoughts, the conversations with God make me question my motivations. Why are the people that are around me in my life? Am I taking from them? Am I the brother whom it is being done to? Or am I recognizing Christ and serving them, and in doing so doing unto Him.

Am I only able to see Christ in the down trodden? Do I only see Jesus in my mentors and leaders?

It is one thing to show kindness to whom kindness is due, it’s another thing to show kindness to those who life has kicked in their teeth. And still another thing to show kindness hoping to induce some return act or favor. But do we ever feel that draw of Christ inside someone, pulling us to do until Him? Is our motivation ever to serve Christ as we serve the least? And not serve expecting anything in return, but serving Him because He is Who He is?

Are we as touched to act for Christ for our neighbors as we are for those far off in third world countries? Or is it easier to send money to or visit temporarily the stranger far off? Are the least simply socio- or economically challenged? Are they only widows and orphans, or ill… mentally or physically? Or can the least me a co-worker, a spouse, a parent… a child? Are the least always strangers passing through, or do they come into and linger in our lives?

I truly want to learn to see Jesus in all those who are in Christ. I want to see into your soul like I saw into Roberts. I want to feel that assurance of kindness reaching all the way to heaven in every interaction with mankind.

Too much to ask?

I think not.

Do I have a long way to go?

I lifetime of journey left.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Romans 7:14, “For we know the Law is spiritual, but I am of flesh, sold into bondage of sin.”

So much has converged together to give birth to today’s post, the least of which is not the song below. The song says, “There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain.” Something that I wholly agree with but rarely see, and as a result believe it is an injustice to think every chain must be broken. How many addictions are judged in the name of Jesus? We declare the power of Jesus to break ever chain, and then condemn those still bound by those chains. And if we don’t condemn we devalue the person.

Surely everyone knows who Joel Osteen is. If not, he is the pastor of the largest church in America. But how many people knew Robert Franklin? If not you should read my posts about him. Does anyone think that Joel is more godly, holy, or closer to God than Robert Franklin was while on this earth? Does anyone think that intelligence plays a factor in being aware of the presence of God? Does anyone think that an alcoholic or drug addict can’t love God? Are we not all sold into the bondage of sin? Are we all bound by the limitation of our flesh?

I would say to you that we all are, but that our spirits equally have unlimited potential. I would argue that our soul, that part of us which will be judged, are identical in being able to develop into the character of Christ. Robert Franklin was born into a body where his brain did not function normally. Should Christ have broken that bondage? Should Jesus have healed him of his mental deficiencies? The apostle Paul had a “thorn in his flesh.” Should Christ have broken that chain, or was His word true when He said, “my grace is sufficient?”

One thing that I can tell you is; what made me fall in love with Robert was not the comical mess his brain could get him in or spew, but how we would talk about the presence of God. Some would dismiss it as his mental illness, but Robert had a real living relationship with Jesus, and he would tell me about his encounters in the most nonchalant matter of fact ways.

I write this to remind myself of something God told me years ago. He said that He hides treasures in the people that offend us most. If we will get past the offense then He will give us a key to unlock the treasure. I have a dream of a body of Christ without judgment. One where those who struggle against addiction… key words “struggle against” are welcomed by the body of Christ. Where alcoholics, drug addicts, thieves, homosexuals, mentally unstable… every form of outcast is welcomed, and where Jesus breaks their chains, not our condemnation.

For those who struggle with the bondage of addiction I encourage to struggle on, hoping, praying, begging Christ to break that chain completely, but be confident that your failures in that struggle are still covered and made holy by the blood of Jesus. For those who have never struggle with an addiction, I would say count your blessings because it pulls on your flesh like a super magnet. I say this as someone who has overcome nicotine, but who also has to often say no again and again. But greed is just as addictive. Co-dependence can be a sinful addiction that pulls on our flesh so hard it moves our soul away from God. Power and control are as addictive as alcohol. So lest you think you are above the bondage of sin, think again. The Pharisees thought that and Jesus told them, “He who is without sin, cast the first stone.” There were no stone throwers that day.

I think in the end we all need to understand that we are not this flesh that surrounds us with all its desires and weaknesses. We are the soul housed within. The flesh… it is in bondage of sin. We simply must struggle against it, knowing and trusting the grace of God through the blood of Jesus is going to more than make up for those days when we fail miserably in that struggle. Like Robert Franklin we all have our deficiencies, but likewise we all have the capacity to connect to God in spite of them. With regards to breaking the chains of bondage completely and forever. That is God’s responsibility. Of course we ask for Him to, of course we believe He will, but we can never judge a man or woman when He has not. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

From the Inside Out

Matthew 18:4, “Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

“Whoever then humbles himself…”

Have you ever meditated on these words of Jesus? Where is humility? Is it in the spirit, the soul, or the body? Who is responsible for creating humility in us? Is the scripture saying that we ourselves must search, and strive for humility?

Why do we as Christiandom at large continue to rely on, put faith in, and promote the external? Why do we as human kind believe there is some will power, God power, or exterior help that can change our behavior so that the outside is clean enough to come into relationship with God? Or as my friend George pointed out to me the other day, "When has philosophy or theology ever solved evil?"

“Whoever then humbles himself…” whoever digs deep in the recesses of the soul and acknowledges the truth. The truth that we all fail dramatically in comparison to Christ… he is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Christianity is an inside out, not an outside in kingdom. Christianity is not a top down organization. It is a Christ in everything, not above everything. Jesus said, “I am the vine.” All that is in His kingdom is connected to Him.

The kingdom is a seed sown Jesus tells us. We are the ground in which it is sown, therefore where is the kingdom and where does it grow? Inside of us.

“The kingdom suffers violence,” Jesus said. Where is that war, where is the violence? It is inside of us.

The kingdom is like a mustard seed, it is like leaven… all growing inside the soil or the flour which is us.

The kingdom is like a merchant, a dragnet, a man casting seed… it finds us. God is responsible. Our responsibility is to look within. To look deep within and find that place in the soul that has come into relationship with Christ and to explore, enjoy, develop that relationship.

The kingdom is not the vineyard, it is not the work of harvesting the vineyard. It is not the worker, the work day, or the wage. The kingdom is the owner of the vineyard. The work and reward come after the relationship to the owner. 

Do you see?

The still small voice of God is inside you. The work is inside you. The change that needs to happen is inside you. Christ is inside you. Turn inward. Stare at your heart and see the truth of who you are. It is humbling when you admit it. It is more humbling when you live it.

I do not have it right. You do not have it right. Only Christ has it right, and you will only see that perfection in relationship. Then, God willing, after the relationship grows to a daily, even constant awareness you may somehow live a portion of it. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Don’t Hate Other’s Journeys

Matthew 20:1-11, “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers… he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius for the day… went out about the third hour and saw others (and hired them)… went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did the same thing… about the eleventh hour he went out and found others… When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last group to the first….’ When those hired first came, they thought that they would receive more; but each of them also received a denarius. When they received it, they grumbled at the landowner…”

This passage is commonly called the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, and was told by Christ to describe the kingdom of God. The landowner is Christ, the workers are Christians. The day is a lifetime for each of the workers. Many I believe teach that the delay in going to work is pre-salvation, and that the time of going to work in the vineyard represents salvation. But I know different. The fact that they all are “workers” of the vineyard is indicative of being a Christian. The delay is the journey of life that we all are on taking us to that moment when we are truly productive to the kingdom of God. I might even suggest that the time actually in the vineyard is the time of actual kingdom awareness. And regardless of whether that productivity/awareness is life long, or momentary at the end, the results are the same.

But why am I talking about this parable?

I talk about it because the body of Christ is contaminated with grumblers and complainers. People, pastors, parishioner  all grumbling and complaining and judging someone else’s journey. Recently there was an article in Charismanews that found it’s way to my computer via multiple sources. It was critical of Megan Fox saying “she prays in tongues. Should we judge that utterance?” It goes on to say, “This is actually a perfect illustration of American charismatic Christianity, where you can say you love Jesus… and still frequent strip clubs… Today in some charismatic circles, you can be a Christian gangster – or, at least, a toungue-talking, seductive starlet, or a Christian lingerie model, or a strip-club attending, Jesus-speaking rapper, just to mention a few…”

To those that subscribe to this judgment I would say, why do you hate someone else’s journey? How do you not know that Megan Fox is not one to be hired in the eleventh hour? Have you not studied the parable of the Tares and Wheat, and not understand that neither you nor I can correctly distinguish a person’s salvation. Are you not more worried that having cast out devils and healed in the name of Jesus that you might fulfill Matt 7:23 where Christ says, “I never knew you; Depart from me…”

When will the workers stop grumbling about God’s dealings with other, and start reflecting deep into their own heart to find the mind and heart of Christ. And His plan for good for those who love Him, regardless of where their journey takes them?

One person commented on the article that Mega Fox speaks in “demonic tongues.” Someone needs to read Mark 3 and see Christ response to the Scribes saying He healed by the power of demonic forces.

If not Mark 3, then perhaps Mark 9 where the disciples tried to hinder someone for casting out demons who was not part of ‘their group.’

Is Megan Fox now the beneficiary of Luke 6:22 where Jesus says, “Blessed are you when men hate you, and ostracize you, and insult you, and scorn your name as evil, for the sake of the Son of Man?” Better yet, are those critical the un-blessed of this scripture, who cast such dispersions?

We do not know another man or woman’s journey with, to, or through Christ. We must not judge it. We must not be jealous because our journey is longer, or harder, or without magnitudes of blessing. We must all simply look within and find Christ purpose for our life, a purpose that does not include casting dispersion on others' profession of Christ. It is God's job to convict, not ours. He is working out your salvation, and He will work out mine and theirs without our condemnation. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Finding the Presence of God

Matthew 28:20, “… I am WITH YOU ALWAYS, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”

Luke 17:21, “… For behold the kingdom of God is in your midst. (Lit. inside you)”

One thing is very true, that every time Christians gather, whether in church, a prayer meeting, bible study, or even in groups I attend like Love Machine and Iwo Jima… Christ is in the midst. He is in and among those gathered in His name. If you cannot sense that presence then it is your awareness of it that is at issue, not that He is not there.

Just as Christ is in the midst of groups that gather in His name, He also promises that He is with us always individually. He promises that He is inside us according to Luke. And so once again, if you have no sense of His presence and are a Christian then the problem is your awareness.

What is keeping you from being aware of the presence of God? Has society keep you from this awareness. Have you a self-imposed excommunication because of sin in your life? Has someone taught you the presence is only available in a particular church, if you follow particular rules, pray particular prayers endlessly, engage in a particular style of worship? Have you been taught that if you will... (fill in the blank) then God will?

I am here to tell you that if you are in Christ He is in your midst. His presence is inside you, and if you want to experience life changing power, peace, joy, and understanding then stop and connect to that presence. Call out for Him to reveal Himself to you, and then wait for His unmistakable presence. Shut down your agenda, quite your request, quell your fears and ask to meet Him. Stop thinking, stop reasoning, stop speaking… find that place where all you want is Him, and He will show up in a miraculous way. Not at church, not in a group, but with you as an individual in your car, at your job, in your prayer closet, in the yard, or shower, or closet, or anywhere you truly ask to connect, for He is there and with you ALWAYS.

Try it today in Jesus name. 

Monday, February 4, 2013


Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you ALWAYS, even to the end of the age.”

I sit here awe struck that in less than 2 years there has been 15000 visitors to this humble blog. More amazing to me is that to date those visitors have come from 80 countries.

I am baffled by the traffic. I thought most would come through facebook, but facebook is only responsible for send 1640 thus far. I thought that a following would develop, but so far only 5 have registered. I thought traffic would create ad revenue, but only $65 to date. I thought this would be the beginning of my public ministry, but this is my public ministry.

What wonderful surprises God has bestowed upon me with this minor work.  Who would have known the post “The Offense of the Cross” would be viewed nearly 2000 times. “Money… Money… Money” was written for fun and has been viewed over 1000 times.

Traffic has grown every month is a fairly linear pattern whether I post or not… another unexpected pleasant surprise.

It is also been surprising to see the search terms that drive people to the site. “Black Sheep” is one of my favorites, after all compared to Christ we are all black sheep in the family of God.

All in all I am so thankful God had me start this work of obedience. I cherish the moments with Him that each and every post represents. I am excited that my own spiritual growth continues in the process. And I am blown away how so unintentionally Christ will of the above passage is being fulfilled by my simple act of obedience.

Let me encourage you to go and find you simple act of obedience, and do it, start it today. 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Robert Franklin 07/12/1954 – 02/01/2013

Galatians 1:15-16, “But when God, who had set me apart even from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, was please to reveal HIS SON IN ME…”

Though I have only known Robert Franklin a couple of short years, I truly love this man, and when he was lucid he always had a smile for me. I don’t know his life’s story, I don’t know his living conditions, or his mental capacity or illness. But I do know that more than once Robert inspired me to be more like Jesus.

His stories were hilarious. His painting bazaar. His dress straight out of a dumpster most days.

His begging always hurt me because I didn't have more to give. And I am so going to miss the smile response of buying him a cup of coffee, or some other confection.

Robert has finished the race, he ran it well. I suspect when I arrive in heaven he will ask me to buy him a cup of coffee, and then laugh at the ridiculousness of the request.

I love you Robert, and will see you again my friend. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Third Option

Joshua 5:13-14, “Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, ‘Are you for us or for our adversaries?’ He said, ‘No…’”

I learned a cute phrase the other day in my Iwo Jima meeting. The phrase is Third Option and applies to an alternative response to fight or flight. I would add that like the pendulum of the post “Overcoming Self In Christ” it is also the alternative to responding out of wounded self or ego defense.

Let me give you a practical example from my life.

I have a loan that in the last minute blew up because of insurance. I had nothing to do with the blow up as the loan officer but the clients cast 100% of the blame on me. Not only did they blame and accuse, they threatened to report me, to complain, and to sue me. Not to mention other venomous comments about my character all written in e-mail form.

My wounded-self wanted to respond with poor pitiful me, I will never get ahead. It triggered the desire to run in flight and ignore and leave the issue behind. My ego wanted to threaten back. My ego is always up for a fight, and I wrote more than one venomous e-mail back that did not get sent. Eventually these people said that would take it to another lender that would close it as is, without my unnecessary requirements, which were not “mine” in the first place.

Reluctantly I returned the original documents of the borrower. The co-borrower however had sent their information in electronically, and I had no legal obligation to return that information. In fact, when the request for them came I wanted to inform all parties I would not go to the trouble to round them up (ego)… but instead opted for the third option. I did not ignore, I did not argue, I in turn did what was right and sent the information.

Two days later I received another e-mail. Again full of venom, but this time said they would close with me if I met five of six demands. Wounded-self said to pretend I didn't get the e-mail. Ego said to respond with hell no. The third option was to ignore the venom and press on.

So for me I am going to keep the phrase “third option” in the foremost of my mind like I now keep the term murmuration. Third option is the answer to uncomfortable emotions. It is the answer to running or fighting. Third option… which really should be Third Option as if refers to Christ is recognizing both wounded-self and ego, and avoiding each to instead be a reflection of Christ. Third Option is more than What Would Jesus Do, because it acknowledges the alternatives based wholly in self and selfishness.

Life is not about your side or the side of the adversary. Life is Christ side. The Third Option is His way, not the highway. Join me in the Third Option.