Friday, December 16, 2011

Three Sides to a Coin

Ephesians 6:12, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” 
Heads, tails – good, bad—rich, poor – life, death —hot, cold -- God, devil…  are there only two choices in life? Is life even a choice? Why was I born a white male, in America, in the 21st century? Why wasn’t I born in the Sudan, or Ethiopia, or perhaps a harsher more difficult time; like as native American in the year 1500?

The Lord giveth; and for a moment life comes up heads. The Lord taketh away; and for a moment life comes up tails.

Why are we born into a dying world? Why are we born to die? Why is death the default and life a struggle to live?

I have no clue about the answers why this is the way it is. Perhaps it has something to do with there is God, and there is everything that is not God. Kristin Abrahams asked on Facebook, “which is worse – being too hot or being too cold?” I think my answer will be… both. Cold is the absence of heat. There is an absolute zero, but to my knowledge there is a limitless amount of heat possible. So too much, or too little of a good thing is bad. Not only bad, but there are forces at work constantly using heat, or the lack of it to move us from the perfect temperature, and from Perfection. Not that we can be perfect, but to move us away from the One who is Perfect.

Life is not about heads or tails. God is neither in the heads or the tails. Life is about landing on the impossibility of the third side of the coin. Life is about landing on the impossible edge which is where the Perfect is met face to face. Heads may bring happiness; tails may bring sorrow… but the edge, that brings peace, joy, and all those things that accompany the presence of God.

It’s the devil, and Death, who try to constantly push us off that edge. They win if we land on heads or tails and don’t try to find our center in Christ. Allow the Holy Spirit to stand you on edge today.

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