Friday, December 9, 2011

Thinking Out Loud - Flesh v. Spirit

Philippians 4:12, "I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need."

As we read this scripture from Paul it indicates a certain level of detachment from fleshly desire. Perhaps it is even a more modern version of what Job said when he pointed out that "the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away." But just where is the line in the striving to "provide for a family," and offensive, distracting, fleshly greed?

These thoughts come from the strangest of places. For whatever reason God has given me a host of ministry friends. I have friends on staff or formerly on staff at churches of all sizes. I know Pastor's of churches of all sizes, including multimillion dollar ministries, and I can say this. With the exception of the multimillion dollar ministers there is a general expression of dissatisfaction with the church. There is the ever present question of is this right? Is there something better? Is this the way God intended it? All generally experiencing some level of dissatisfaction.

On the other hand are the mega-ministers I know. They in no way express dissatisfaction. In fact, they are all giving ministries; pouring out millions back into the lost and dying world. And so who is right? Or is it even a question of right or wrong? Are the dissatisfied closer to God and the satisfied quenching greed?

Is the dissatisfaction of the humble means related in jealousy to the satisfaction of the abundant means? On a personal level am I wrong from going to work, working as absolutely as hard as I can to make as much money as I can? Or did God give me the job for some other purpose?

If God gave me the job, would it be better to take off to talk with and minister to the homeless, or do the work set before me in the office? Would it be better to be praying for the sick in the hospital or trying to take another mortgage application? I know the answer... but do you?

 Should we encourage others to follow God (without judgment) or assign and promote "godly" task.

For me the answer is simple. Following the answer not so simple, but knowing the answer is simple. The answer is to obey God. When He tells me to work... I am going to work with all my might. When He tells me to minister... I am going to connect to His spirit and obey as best I can in word and deed. And that is where the thought ends.

It ends at the place of obedience. If Christ, in personal relationship, is leading you to a place that is prosperous, then our character should not despise this place. Likewise if in obedience we follow the same command of Christ to a place of humble means, then we should not despise this either. Simply obey and in all things trust God.

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